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Skin, Hair & Nails

Your skin, hair and nails are constantly exposed to the elements. Yet, in an effort to protect them we also expose them to environmental toxins… especially when lathering on sunscreen and other commercial lotion that make the empty promise of keeping Father Time at bay.

How can you take better care of your skin, hair and nails and prevent them from getting damaged by chemicals in skin products and others environmental toxins? How do you treat and control common conditions like eczema, psoriasis and rosacea without resorting to pharmaceutical topical lotions and drugs?

There are many natural alternatives that will help you fight the visible signs of ageing, while also protecting your skin, hair and nails. The Daily Health is here to help you explore all your options.

Latest Articles in Skin, Hair & Nails


A Safe And Natural Way To Treat Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a condition that causes skin discolouration, which results in the loss of pigmentation causing white patches that can spread all over the body. It affects 1 in 100 peop...

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shingles vaccine

Shingles Vaccine Offers Little Protection

When it comes to vaccines, I am the last one to jump on the bandwagon. The shingles vaccine is another example of why I have little or no respect for the mainstream's hyper aggress...

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head lice

The Dangerous Toxin In Head Lice Shampoo

Head lice. Just the thought of them sends shivers down the spine of every parent and grandparent... The repeated painstaking wet combing... the hair washing... of everyone in the f...

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tanning, skin cancer

Are You Risking Skin Cancer With This ‘Addiction’?

Skin cancer is no joke... and there may be one thing you are doing that can increase your chances of developing skin cancer... and it has nothing to do with the beach or the sun....

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Toenail fungus: Natural remedies for toenail fungus

Onychomycosis - better known as toenail fungus - affects millions of people. In a recent letter one of our regular readers, Steve, wrote: 'I have tried vinegar and tea tree oil...

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One More Reason To Ditch The Sunscreen

Years ago, a doctor once advised me to put on sunscreen every time I go outside. Even back then, before it was widely understood how important sunlight exposure is in producing...

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10 Steps To Healthy Cholesterol Levels

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