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Skin, Hair & Nails

Your skin, hair and nails are constantly exposed to the elements. Yet, in an effort to protect them we also expose them to environmental toxins… especially when lathering on sunscreen and other commercial lotion that make the empty promise of keeping Father Time at bay.

How can you take better care of your skin, hair and nails and prevent them from getting damaged by chemicals in skin products and others environmental toxins? How do you treat and control common conditions like eczema, psoriasis and rosacea without resorting to pharmaceutical topical lotions and drugs?

There are many natural alternatives that will help you fight the visible signs of ageing, while also protecting your skin, hair and nails. The Daily Health is here to help you explore all your options.

Latest Articles in Skin, Hair & Nails

vaccines, colds and flu, winter

Protect Against Shingles Without Being Vaccinated

Some describe it as sheer misery and others say it's the worst pain they've ever experienced in their lives. So should you consider getting the shingles vaccine to reduce your r...

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A Simple Way To Prevent Shingles

It can easily be one of the most painful things you will ever experience... It could feel like someone is poking needles from the inside of your body out. I'm talking about shin...

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Vitamin A: The Vitamin That Helps Reduce Sun-Related Skin Damage

Summer's here and the time is right for going on holiday to soak up some healthy sunlight that will prompt your body to manufacture vitamin D. The trick, however, is getting just t...

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Vitamin D Can Benefit Psoriasis Sufferers

There are many types of psoriasis including Guttate, Plaque, Pustular, Psoriatic Arthritis and Flexural Psoriasis which can affect most areas of the body including the scalp, genit...

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cystitis, skin damage

A Berry Good Anti-Wrinkle Cream That Also Protects Against Skin Damage

With the latest news reporting that 'binge tanning' in Britain has caused the amount of Britons diagnosed with the deadliest form of skin cancer to top 10,000 each year, you may be...

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skin, laughing

Top Tips for Healthier, Younger-Looking Skin

Researchers from the universities of Bristol and St. Andrews have found that the colour of a person's skin affects how healthy and therefore attractive they appear. They've also fo...

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