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News & Views

In our News & Views the Daily Health offers a different perspective on what is being reported in the mainstream. What’s the real story behind the effectiveness and safety of antidepressants? Will the UK’s Sugar Tax have any real impact on the obesity crisis in Britain? What are the dangers of off-label drug use?

These are just some of the news topics we cover and the Daily Health that our editorial opinion will open your eyes to a new way of looking at how the news is being presented to you.

Latest Articles in News & Views

Brexit, NHS, Health Reforms

Brexit: Health Armageddon or True Reform?

https://youtu.be/KtVAZZzWuLY As you can imagine, our offices have been wrapped in absolute chaos this morning as the Brexit news unfolded. Talk about an unexpected result! Armag...

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colds and flu natural remedies

The Mainstream Lays Into Alternative Medicine… Yet Again

What do you get when you ask two very distinguished mainstream doctors to write an opinion piece on herbal remedies and alternative medicine in a mainstream medical journal? Well,...

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depression, mental health, mood

The Truth About Antidepressant Drugs

Contrarian. Inflammatory. Scaremongering. These are just three of the many words used by the mainstream, Big Pharma and all their cronies to dismiss and discredit anyone who questi...

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sugar, obesity, sugar tax

Will The UKs Sugar Tax Actually Work?

It took years. If not decades. But finally, the UK government has taken a massive step forward by introducing a new Sugar Tax on the fizzy drinks industry in an effort to combat ob...

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big pharma, money making, vioxx

The US Is Facing An Opioid Painkiller Death Epidemic

Here at the Daily Health, occasionally we get criticised for speaking out against Big Pharma - with some of our critics feeling that we focus too strongly on the negative aspects o...

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Drug Trial Deaths: How Often Does It Happen?

In a recent US television documentary entitled "Your Money or Your Life", the CEO of a pharmaceutical giant was asked why drugs come with such high price tags, especially in Americ...

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