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Liver, Kidney & Urinary

Your liver and kidneys perform essential functions in your body. For instance people with liver failure usually have jaundice, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, and generally failing health. In addition, for unknown reasons, 50% of people who suffer with liver failure also suffer with kidney malfunction. As you can see there is a delicate synchronicity between these organs and taking care of both is fundamental to maintaining optimal health.

The same can be said about your urinary tract and bladder health, which is closely connected to your kidney function. It’s a system that removes waste and excess water from your body and when things start to go wrong it can lead to downward spiral of declining health. The Daily Health offers all the latest information on how to prevent your liver and kidneys from failing you by taking natural alternative s to support these organs and by avoiding the drugs that can cause you harm.

Latest Articles in Liver, Kidney & Urinary


Vitamin K could benefit hepatitis C patients

Last month I told you about natural treatments and nutritional support for hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is a common blood-borne infection that often develops into cirrhosis (a debilit...

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cystitis, skin damage

6 Herbs That Provide Relief From Cystitis

Urinary tract infections are bad enough the first time around, but for many women the first time isn't the last. And each time it comes back, it gets worse. This is especially true...

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Oedema – How To Overcome Fluid Retention Naturally

Imagine if your ankles persistently ached due to painful swelling that greatly restricted your movements. Now imagine having to contend with swollen fingers and eyelids too. This t...

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bladder infections

Ease Urinary Tract Infections With D-Mannose

It is estimated that 20 per cent of women in the UK, primarily between the ages of 20 and 56, will suffer from cystitis, and each year 5 per cent of women go to their doctor becaus...

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kidneys, kidney function

Kidney function: How To Take Care of Your Kidneys

A regular reader named Ron asks: Is there any remedy for loss of some kidney function? What supplements help kidney health? Needless to say, kidney malfunction is a very serious...

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bladder infections

Treat bladder problems with this herbal combo

On the list of 'Things I LEAST Want to Talk About' most middle-aged men would probably place 'bladder function' up near the top. But according to a new study from the Mayo Clinic...

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