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Liver, Kidney & Urinary

Your liver and kidneys perform essential functions in your body. For instance people with liver failure usually have jaundice, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, and generally failing health. In addition, for unknown reasons, 50% of people who suffer with liver failure also suffer with kidney malfunction. As you can see there is a delicate synchronicity between these organs and taking care of both is fundamental to maintaining optimal health.

The same can be said about your urinary tract and bladder health, which is closely connected to your kidney function. It’s a system that removes waste and excess water from your body and when things start to go wrong it can lead to downward spiral of declining health. The Daily Health offers all the latest information on how to prevent your liver and kidneys from failing you by taking natural alternative s to support these organs and by avoiding the drugs that can cause you harm.

Latest Articles in Liver, Kidney & Urinary

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Prelief Helps Relieve Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis

Here at Agora Health we recently came across some exciting information about an all-natural formula called Prelief that has been proven to help safely relieve bladder control prob...

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Bladder Infections – How Cranberry Juice Can Help

If you've suffered from it in the past, you know that the letters UTI can be three of the most painful in the English language.  For instance a regular reader named Delaney wrote...

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Natural Alternatives To Hepatitis C Drugs

Question: What nutritional support is documented for hepatitis C? That question comes from an HSI member named Kaylie. In her e-mail, she didnt elaborate, so we can only imagine...

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Kidney stones

Lower Your Risk Of Recurring Kidney Stones

'I'd rather give birth to an elephant.' That kind of imagery sticks in your mind. I know it stuck in mine. That was the description my colleague Pat used to convey the pain of a ki...

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Eliminate Kidney Stones With Quebra Pedra

Kidney stones are formed when urine becomes too concentrated due to chronic dehydration and various kidney disorders. This can cause sand-like deposits of calcium mixed with oxalat...

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The Lowdown on Hepatitis C and How To Treat It

Hepatitis C is a health crisis waiting to happen in Britain according to some medical experts. The virus was discovered just 13 years ago but it is estimated that a quarter of a mi...

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