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Diet & Nutrition

Diet and nutrition form part of the foundation of lasting optimum health. Yet, there is a lot of confusing information about what a healthy diet consists of. For instance, we’ve been told to avoid saturated fat and yet more and more research is beginning to show that saturated fat is an essential component of a healthy and balanced diet.

The Daily Health will help you make sense of  these confusing dietary guidelines and show you how optimal nutrition can support and protect your health. For example, the latest research is showing that probiotics can help combat autism. Studies have also shown that eating red meat can help protect your brain against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia – these findings contradict current guidelines saying that we should eat less red meat.

Latest Articles in Diet & Nutrition

fructose, grapefruit

Exploring The Common Myths About Fructose

Previously, I told you about the looming obesity crisis in the UK. At the root of the problem lies the excessive consumption of refined sugar and by simply cutting sugar (and all p...

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obesity, diabetes, weight loss

Obesity: Doomsday For ‘Fat Britain’ Closer Than We Thought

In 2007, the influential Foresight Report predicted that half the population of England could suffer from obesity by 2050. Seven years after the Foresight Report, data published in...

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cancer, exercise

Diet And Exercise: Give Yourself A Healthy Kick-Start For 2014

Today is the day : A happy New Year to all our readers. I sincerely hope that 2014 will be a wonderful year for all of you. Apart from being a day full of well wishes, it's also t...

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heartburn, PPI,dementia

Would You Swap Heartburn For Dementia?

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are among the most widely prescribed drugs in the UK, with an estimated 43 million prescriptions written last year. They are supposed to bring instant...

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GM Foods

GM Foods Linked To Alzheimer’s Disease

While some may argue that genetically modified (GM) foods do no harm and protect the environment, the truth is far from the rosy picture Monsanto - the largest US manufacturer of G...

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heart, fibre

The Benefits Of A High-Fibre Diet

Public health guidelines tell us that we should consume between 20 and 30 grams of fibre a day, but chances are that our modern diets don't contain even half that amount. So, unle...

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10 Steps To Healthy Cholesterol Levels

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