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Combined with physical activity, optimum nutrition can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases (like heart disease, diabetes and cancer).

Despite the fact that nutrition is one of the essential building blocks of a healthy body well into your old age, medical students receive less than 24 hours of nutrition training on average. It’s no wonder that dietary and nutritional guidelines continue to miss the mark when it comes to advising the public on what healthy foods to enjoy and which health-damaging foods to avoid.

Is saturated fat your enemy? Do you eat low-fat or full fat? What about artificial sweeteners, are they an ideal weight loss aid? The Daily Health aims to add some common sense to all the confusion.

Latest Articles in Nutrition

Steak, red meat, cancer

Meat: Essential brain food you’ve been told NOT to eat

You'll rarely hear a doctor or nutritionist tell you that you need to eat more meat - especially red meat. What you most definitely won't hear from your doctor is that eating red m...

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Heap of Sugar

The Trace Mineral That Can Help Curb Sugar Cravings

Avoiding sugar is one of the best steps you can take to lose weight and improve your health, in addition to lowering your risk of diabetes and obesity, you'll also help protect aga...

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obesity, junk food

Are Junk Food Giants Dictating “Healthy” Eating Policies?

My grandfather always said: "Know when you're losing the battle." But the junk food giant Coca-Cola, is still far from throwing in the towel when it comes to changing people's mind...

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olive oil, super foods

How To Tell If Your Olive Oil Is The Real Thing

Olive oil has been used for over 5,000 years and its health benefits include boosting immunity; increasing bone density; preventing cancer, stroke and heart disease; lowering blood...

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trans-fats, obesity, disease

It’s Too Early To Celebrate The FDA’s Ban On Trans-Fats

Recently, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered all trans-fats to be removed from processed foods. Trans-fats are the worst type of fat you can eat. These fats ar...

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trans fats, junk food

FDA Bans Trans Fats From ALL Food In The US

Trans fats are the worst type of fat you can eat. End of. These fats are formed during a food process called hydrogenation - when vegetable oil is heated to very high temperatures...

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