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Alternative Therapies

The mainstream offers plenty of gold-standard treatment protocols. While some of these address the symptoms of diseases, few of them offer real and lasting relief. This is where alternative therapies fill the gap – many of which address the underlying causes of specific diseases rather than just treating the symptoms. Adding to that, many alternative therapies are far less invasive than mainstream treatments.

For instance, chelation therapy – the removal of heavy metal toxins like mercury – can have a tremendous positive impact on your health and yet the mainstream prefers to turn a blind eye to the benefits of this alternative therapy. Probiotics are also making waves in alternative medicine and have shown to not only boost immunity but this good bacteria also help combat disease like diabetes and heart disease. The Daily Health brings you the latest breakthroughs and news on the latest alternative therapies that can help you improve your health.

Latest Articles in Alternative Therapies

natural health

Act Now! Turn A Potential Nightmare Into A Natural Health Revolution

With snow storms, delayed flights, cancelled trains and general disruptions playing havoc with our Christmas plans over the past few days, one would be forgiven for thinking: 'What...

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The Scandal That Removes Your Freedom To Choose

It pains me to write this alert. Over the last couple of months I've written extensively about a threat we all face - at least those of us who choose to look after our bodies wi...

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Gagging Order Imposed On Yoghurt Probiotic – More Soon To Follow

The voluntary UK advertising watchdog, Advertising Standards Agency (ASA), has told Danone to cease broadcasting TV adverts that state its one-shot probiotic drinking yoghurt, coul...

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complementary medicine

Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Under Threat in the UK

I've alerted you in the past to the sinister dealings of Codex Alimentarius. This prompted one reader to ask me this: 'If Codex is based on the safety and regulation of food, nutri...

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Luffa Complex, allergies, flu protection

The Most Promising Alternatives For Treating Cancer

Cancer researcher Mauris L. Emeka puts it as follows: "Think of the malignant tumour for what it is: it's an indication that a process has gone wrong. In other words, the tumour is...

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Don’t Damage Your Health By Trying To Save Money On Supplements

According to latest market research, sales of vitamins and supplements have fallen since 2007. It is estimated that 38 per cent of adults now believe they can get their vitamins an...

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10 Steps To Healthy Cholesterol Levels

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As you'll discover in your FREE report, there are safe, natural ways to protect your heart without the use of risky, side-effect-ridden drugs.

And that's not all. When you enter your email address, you'll also receive the Daily Health e-letter. Each day in the Daily Health, you'll get:

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