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Alternative Therapies

The mainstream offers plenty of gold-standard treatment protocols. While some of these address the symptoms of diseases, few of them offer real and lasting relief. This is where alternative therapies fill the gap – many of which address the underlying causes of specific diseases rather than just treating the symptoms. Adding to that, many alternative therapies are far less invasive than mainstream treatments.

For instance, chelation therapy – the removal of heavy metal toxins like mercury – can have a tremendous positive impact on your health and yet the mainstream prefers to turn a blind eye to the benefits of this alternative therapy. Probiotics are also making waves in alternative medicine and have shown to not only boost immunity but this good bacteria also help combat disease like diabetes and heart disease. The Daily Health brings you the latest breakthroughs and news on the latest alternative therapies that can help you improve your health.

Latest Articles in Alternative Therapies


Your Lymphatic System Holds The Key To Lasting Good Health

A lot has been said about cardiovascular health or how to improve our diets and lifestyle in order to try and prevent the development of cancer and other disease. But one very impo...

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complementary medicine

Recent Study Proves Supplements Do Work

Over the past few weeks, you've heard a lot of doom and gloom about the future of natural remedies and alternative medicine - especially in Europe. While we mustn't stop our eff...

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Harmonising Maximum Permitted Levels of Supplements is a BIG Mistake…

Thank you for all your effort and support... The past few weeks have shown me how much you all care about protecting your health choices and the future of alternative medicine....

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EU Supplement Crackdown: Your Health Freedom is in Jeopardy

In last week's alert, 'Are You Taking 'Illegal Drugs' for Your Health, Without Knowing It?', I told you about the European Union's (EU) restrictive Traditional Herbal Medicinal Pro...

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fat, vitamin d

Vitamin D: Your Weapon Against Almost Every Illness

Back in 2008, we told you about an extensive review of the health benefits of vitamin D, conducted by researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon and t...

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vitamin d, osteoporosis

How To Help Prevent Osteoporosis

The International Osteoporosis Foundation has revealed how it is receiving more and more worrying reports of under-diagnosis and inappropriate care for sufferers of the devastating...

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10 Steps To Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Just RSVP below for immediate access to this valuable report, with our sincere compliments.

As you'll discover in your FREE report, there are safe, natural ways to protect your heart without the use of risky, side-effect-ridden drugs.

And that's not all. When you enter your email address, you'll also receive the Daily Health e-letter. Each day in the Daily Health, you'll get:

• News on the latest cutting-edge natural health breakthroughs.
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