Natural Remedies

Natural remedies are the foundation of modern medicine. Despite what the mainstream says, what is now referred to as “alternative medicine” is without a doubt safer and in many cases more effective than mainstream treatments. Adding to that, alternative medicine offers relief from health problems that still trouble us today, like anxiety, colds and flu, stress, depression and pain relief to mention but a few.

Natural remedies encompass a range of different topics that will be explored in the subsequent categories. The alternative therapies section addresses the wider use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), encompassing for example herbal remedies as well as acupuncture. Vitamins and minerals sections discuss the crucial uses of these nutrients in the body and how best to ensure you’re getting them in appropriate quantities, whether that be nutrient rich foods or in supplement form. Herbalism is becoming increasingly more prominent today as medical costs spiral, so we discuss the widespread benefits of traditional herbs for your health.

Mainstream medicine offers plenty of gold-standard treatment protocols to help with specific health problems. While some of these address the symptoms of disease, they can cause side effects and don’t always cure the problem or provide lasting relief.

Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, natural breakthroughs come with far less side effects than pharmaceutical drugs. Those that are reported are not even close to the severity and detriment to your health as many of the side effects associated with what the mainstream has on offer. Just look at statins, the drug that’s meant to lower your cholesterol to prevent heart attacks and strokes has been shown to increase your chances of suffering from them!

The Daily Health has been scouring the planet for the latest breakthrough natural remedies that will help address and relieve some of the most common health problems today, ranging from protecting your heart to combating the signs of ageing.

Latest Articles in Natural Remedies


5 Ways Oregano Oil Can Help Support Your Health

According to Greek mythology the goddess of love, Aphrodite, cherished the herb oregano so much that she grew large amounts of it in her garden on top of Mount Olympus. Mythology...

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Omega 3 Fish Oils Could Reduce Post-Exercise Muscle Pain

One of the most used New Year's resolutions must be to exercise more... and it's probably also one that many of us don't stick to. This might be a result of age. As you get older,...

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fat, vitamin d

Bone-Building Combo Helps To Cut Body Fat Too

Produced in response to sunlight, vitamin D is known to have potential immune-enhancing effects. And since the past summer here in the UK was not exactly the sunniest you might hav...

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Ashwagandha In The Fight Against Alzheimer’s?

With all the doom and gloom doing the rounds lately, I thought it might be a good idea to begin this week on a positive note: Researchers recently concluded a breakthrough study wh...

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cholesterol, garlic, inflammation

Garlic And Lemon Juice – A Cholesterol-Busting Duo

If you are over the age of 40 chances are that your doctor will suggest cholesterol-lowering statin drugs as a first line of defence against cardiovascular disease — irrespective...

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black seed oil, infections, immunity

Revisiting The Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil

Thanks to feedback from our readers and comments left on our website, I've been introduced to numerous healing powers of black seed oil. Black seed (nigella sativa, also known as...

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dementia, alzheimers

Vitamin E Slow The Progression Of Alzheimer’s

Back in 2008, we told you about a study, conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins Alzheimer's Disease Research Centre, which showed that vitamin E may have a positive effect on th...

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Turmeric Can Be An Alternative to These Prescription Drugs

The humble bright yellow spice, turmeric (a relative of the Ginger plant) has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries to help fight an array of health problems includi...

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colds and flu natural remedies

The Mainstream Lays Into Alternative Medicine

What do you get when you ask two very distinguished mainstream doctors to write an opinion piece on herbal remedies and alternative medicine in a mainstream medical journal? Well,...

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eggs, nutrition, super foods

Could The Humble Egg Help Wounds Heal More Quickly?

What came first, the chicken or the egg? Luckily, it seems there's no further need to ponder this age-old conundrum because scientists believe they have finally cracked it. And it...

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