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Liver, Kidney & Urinary

Your liver and kidneys perform essential functions in your body. For instance people with liver failure usually have jaundice, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, and generally failing health. In addition, for unknown reasons, 50% of people who suffer with liver failure also suffer with kidney malfunction. As you can see there is a delicate synchronicity between these organs and taking care of both is fundamental to maintaining optimal health.

The same can be said about your urinary tract and bladder health, which is closely connected to your kidney function. It’s a system that removes waste and excess water from your body and when things start to go wrong it can lead to downward spiral of declining health. The Daily Health offers all the latest information on how to prevent your liver and kidneys from failing you by taking natural alternative s to support these organs and by avoiding the drugs that can cause you harm.

Latest Articles in Liver, Kidney & Urinary

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Paracetamol Found To Be Ineffective

This year alone, we've written five times the numerous dangers of the seemingly harmless over-the-counter drug, paracetamol (acetaminophen). In recent years, research has linked p...

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Acetaminophen And Alcohol Can Cause Kidney Disease

In the past I've told you how, when you've had a few too many drinks and the next morning you pop a couple of paracetamol (acetaminophen - the active ingredient in many over-the-co...

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Botox For An Overactive Bladder… What Next?

It seems like every time I have lunch with my friend Stephen, he spends half the time going to the toilet. When I asked him about it, he admitted that he has an "overactive bladder...

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liver toxicity, flu, detox

Flu Symptoms Or Liver Toxicity?

Do you feel like you might have the flu? It is winter in the Northern hemisphere after all... cold days, warm toasty evening inside around a fire perhaps, enjoying the Christmas li...

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Common Painkiller Can Cause Acute Liver Failure

 I consider myself a good label-reader, and I'll bet you've become pretty good at reading them too. As we've discovered over the past few years, you really have to be diligent ab...

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Silent Epidemic: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

The next time you're in a crowded space - at the supermarket filled with holiday shoppers, at a football game, in a busy restaurant - take a look around and consider this: One in...

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