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Diabetes is the fastest growing health threat of our times. According to Diabetes UK, since 1996, the number of people living with the disease has more than doubled. Yet, despite this alarming rise in the number of people who are diabetic the mainstream is still sending out confusing dietary guidelines, which not only has the potential to increase your risk of developing the disease but in some instances can worsen the condition.

Here at the Daily Health we aim to educate you in how to stop diabetes from happening to you and your loved ones by following a diet that focuses on plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, healthy animal proteins and saturated fat (like butter, whole milk and avocados). We also want to armour you with the facts behind some of the most common drugs prescribed to treat this condition.

Latest Articles in Diabetes

sleep, insomnia, diabetes

New Study Links Lack Of Sleep And Diabetes

Apart from making you grumpy and forgetful, a chronic lack of sleep has been linked to everything from heart disease to depression. Sleeping well and for long enough is vital for...

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Different types of bread isolated on white

Alloxan – The Diabetes-Inducing Chemical Found In White Bread

We all know how bad white bread is for us. Several years ago a study found that it "was the food most strongly related to diabetes." But not for the reason you think, which in a nu...

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exercise, diabetes

Vitamin D Enhance The Benefits Of Exercise For Type 2 Diabetics

According to the results of a new study, combining vitamin D supplements and circuit training has the potential to trim belly fat and improve total cholesterol, triglyceride, and L...

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resveratrol, red grapes, diabetes, grape juice

Resveratrol has numerous benefits for diabetics

Resveratrol, found abundantly in the skins of red grapes, is a natural polyphenol that plants produce to protect themselves from attack by bacteria and fungi. Resveratrol has alre...

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antibiotics, diabetes

Antibiotics Increase Risk Of Hypoglycaemia In Diabetics

You're feeling fine, then all of a sudden you're dizzy, shaky, feel your pulse racing, and start sweating. Having your blood sugar suddenly drop, resulting in hypoglycaemia, is...

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Is Stress Linked To Diabetes?

There's no refuting the fact that stress lies at the root of many of today's health concerns. For instance, stress reduction is known to be an effective way to help your immune sys...

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10 Steps To Healthy Cholesterol Levels

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As you'll discover in your FREE report, there are safe, natural ways to protect your heart without the use of risky, side-effect-ridden drugs.

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