Privacy & Cookie Policy

This is the privacy policy of Agora Health Limited. It was last updated on 12 December 2016. If we change our privacy policy, we will notify you of those changes here.

Links to other sites

Our website may include hyperlinks to other websites that are not operated or controlled by us. This policy only applies to our website and we are not responsible for the content or the privacy practises of third party websites.


When you sign up for a free email service we store your email address along with any other information you provide. This information may include, but is not limited to, details such as your name and email address. By signing up to a free email service, or subscribing for a service or product, you agree to the collection, storage and processing of your information in the manner set out in this policy.

Data Use

We use the information we collect from you to process orders, identify personal preferences and match your needs with relevant products and services. If you have signed up for a free email service, we use the information you provide to send the email to you.

In addition, we use the information for internal administration and analysis. We use it to personalise your visits to our website and to help us develop the design and layout of the website to ensure that it is as useful and enjoyable as possible.

Unless you have opted not to receive offers, we also use your information to send you offers by email from us, and by post from us and other carefully selected outside companies. We do not give, rent or sell your email address to outside companies. Should you wish to unsubscribe at any time, instructions on how to do so are included with every email.

Data capture and processing

The data you provide is captured and processed on our behalf by Publishing Services, LLC. Publishing Services, LLC is based in Baltimore in the United States. The US has no comprehensive data protection law, however Publishing Services offers the same levels of protection for your information, including the security of the database on which your information is stored and the privacy of your information, that we offer in the United Kingdom.

We will only disclose your data to third parties other than those described above if we are compelled to do so for legal or regulatory purposes.

Advertising in free emails

We fund our free emails (The Daily Health and Nutrition & Healing E tips) by taking advertising. There are small ads in each free email, and then two or three times a week we will send you separate promotional emails, which will contain advertisements from us or from other companies.

By subscribing to any of our free emails, you are consenting to receive these promotions. We cannot send you a free email alone without the promotional emails.

Marketing using unsolicited email messages

We only send emails promoting Agora Health Limited, or its products to those who have agreed to receive such messages. We prohibit any advertising of Agora Health Limited or its products using unsolicited email addresses.

If you believe that you have received unsolicited emails from Agora Health Limited that you did not give permission to receive please contact us on e


What are cookies?

Cookies are tiny text files which are downloaded onto your computer, tablet or mobile phone via your browser when you visit a website. They enable specific details about your visit to our website to be recorded, retrieved and analysed by our site during subsequent visits or by other sites that recognise the cookie.

Cookies are essential to the effective operation of our website and if you are a subscriber of our paid services for you to view the members ?? only content. Cookies on this site also help to tailor the products and services offered and advertised to our customers, both on this website and elsewhere.

Cookies can’t harm your computer and they don’t identify individual users.

Cookies on our website

Here’s a list of the cookies we use, along with a description of what they do. We’ve divided them into those that improve your experience of the site or our services (functionality) and those that help us analyse how the site is doing and how we might improve it (performance).

Google XML Sitemaps

Performance – Cookies that help us analyse how our website and services are doing and how we might improve them

Cookie name

Cookie Purpose

_ga, _gat,




These are Google Analytics and site functionality cookies.These cookies help us take and analyse visitor information.For example, it tells us how many visitors our site has, how many times they visit, how long they stay on our site and which pages are most popular.It also tells us if our marketing efforts are working, so it tells us where a visitor has come from, for example, from a link, a website search or an ad.This information helps us improve our website and your visit, and makes our marketing campaigns more relevant.

For more details about how Google use the information they collect, see the Google privacy policy

More information on cookies, including how to manage them:

As explained above, cookies help you to get the most out of our website. If you disable our cookies you may find that certain sections of our website don’t work, for example, you may have difficulties viewing subscription only articles. It also means that other areas of the site may not work as well as you would like.

However, if you would like to disable cookies the ‘help’ option on the menu bar of most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, and how to disable cookies altogether. We’ve set out below how to manage cookies on the most common browsers.

If you would like to learn more about cookies in general, or how to disable targeted advertising cookies, you can visit The links we’ve included open in new windows. Please note that we are not responsible for the content of third party websites.

Managing cookies using your browser

Google Chrome

Click on the three lines icon (usually found top-right corner).

Click on the ‘Settings’ link. In the ‘Privacy’ section, select the ‘Content settings’ button

To enable cookies: select ‘Allow local data to be set’ option

To disable cookies: select ‘Block all cookies’ option

Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Chrome. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Chrome, refer to the following page from Google:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0

Click on ‘Tools’ at the top of your browser window and select ‘Internet Options’

In the options window navigate to the ‘Privacy’ tab

To enable cookies: Set the slider to ‘Medium’ or below

To disable cookies: Move the slider to the top to block all cookies

Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Explorer. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Internet Explorer, refer to the following page from Microsoft:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0

Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button. In the search box, type Internet Explorer, and then, in the list of results, click Internet Explorer.

Click the Tools button , point to Safety, and then click Delete browsing history.

Select the Cookies check box, and then click Delete. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Internet Explorer 9, refer to the following page from Microsoft:

Mozilla Firefox

Click on ‘Tools’ at the browser menu and select ‘Options’

Select the ‘Privacy’ panel

To enable cookies: Leave unchecked ‘Tell websites I do not want to be tracked’.

To disable cookies: Check ‘Tell websites I do not want to be tracked’.

Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Firefox. For more information, refer to the following page from Mozilla:


Click on ‘Setting’ at the browser menu and select ‘Settings’

Select ‘Privacy’

To enable cookies: check “Accept Cookies”

To disable cookies: uncheck “Accept Cookies”

Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Opera. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Opera, refer to the following page from Opera Software:

Safari on OSX

Click on ‘Safari’ at the menu bar and select the ‘Preferences’ option

Click on ‘Security’

To enable cookies: In the ‘Accept cookies’ section select ‘Only from site you navigate to’

To disable cookies: In the ‘Accept cookies’ section select ‘Never’

Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Safari. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Safari, refer to the following page from Apple:

Pixels in our html emails

In order to improve the emails and marketing we send you, our html emails may contain a campaign-unique web beacon pixel. The single pixel is deleted when an email is opened, or a particular link is clicked on. By counting the number of pixels which are deleted we can assess which of our emails are more popular and what advertising our readers prefer. We can also inform our advertisers how many readers have clicked on their advertisements.

As with cookies, the pixel doesn’t harm your computer and it doesn’t identify individual users. We currently only provide our emails in HTML format, so if you do not wish to receive the pixel, you would need to unsubscribe from our emails.

Future updates to our Cookies and Privacy Policy

We’re giving you this information as part of our initiative to comply with recent legislation, and to make sure we’re honest and clear about your privacy when using our website and our services.

We monitor developments in privacy and cookie-related best practice closely and if we think changes to our policy would be of benefit to you we’ll make a change to our policy.

Right to data

You have the right to ask us for a copy of the personal information we hold about you, and to correct any inaccuracies in that information.

If you have any queries regarding this privacy statement, please contact customer services by following this link: