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The Link Between Pesticides And Disease Gets Stronger

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Biotech companies like Monsanto insist that it’s impossible to ‘grow’ sufficient amounts of food without the use of pesticides. That’s despite the fact that mounting evidence suggests these pesticides carry a great deal of blame for the rise in human disease.

Who’s going to stop them?

Mark my words: Genetically modified (GM) food and the pesticides specifically designed to use on them, which make these Franken Foods more hardy and resistant to chemicals that normally kill other plants, will be our slow downfall if we don’t take action now.

A case in point: On their website, Syngenta, a leading biotech company, states that it helps to “improve global food security by enabling millions of farmers to make better use of available resources.”

By the sounds of that, these guys are a bunch of philanthropist community builders… Far from it!

On the Hawaiian island Kauai, in a school that is a mere 1700 feet from Syngenta’s GM corn fields, 10 per cent of children need special education, compared to the state average of just over six per cent. That’s not all, a recent article in The Guardian also highlights a disturbing trend of spiking rates of birth defects in Kauai.

Much of the farmland on Kauai is dedicated to the testing of “restricted use pesticides” – chemicals known for their elevated toxicity, such as chlorpyrifos, atrazine, and paraquat (the latter two have already been banned in the UK and Europe). However, 18 tons of these “restricted use” pesticides were sprayed in Kauai, in 2012 alone.

Among these is glyphosate, used in Monsanto’s popular pesticide Roundup. Glyphosate has recently been reclassified as a “probable carcinogen” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a division of the World Health Organization (WHO). Researcher Dr. Anthony Samsel also recently revealed that internal Monsanto documents show that the company already knew, over 30 years ago, that glyphosate caused cancer in rats.

Other research has shown that long-term exposure to ultra-low amounts of Roundup may cause liver and kidney damage, tumours, and heamorrhagic bleeding. So really, the mind boggles as to why this poison is still used on our food. And it’s no wonder many suspect the spike in birth defects is due to the increased use of these highly toxic pesticides in and around Kauai.

The Guardian article also states that when the spraying is underway and the wind blows downhill from the fields towards the town – a time no spraying should occur – residents complain of stinging eyes, headaches, and vomiting.

Unfortunately, pesticide companies refuse to divulge exactly which chemicals are used in their products, and in what amounts. This makes treating patients more difficult, as doctors don’t know exactly what their patients may have been exposed to… But it surely is no rocket science.

Apart from that, these biotechnology companies also refuse to admit that their GM crops and pesticides pose any risk to human health. In fact, many of them are now using bullying tactics to force newspapers and journals to retract any negative information published about their Franken Goods.

Recently, when PLOS One – an online journal that promises its publication criteria are based on high ethical standards – published an article which argued in favour of more transparency and scrutiny of scientists’ behaviour, as well as their potentially undisclosed ties with biotech companies, it was promptly removed from the PLOS One website.

According to PLOS One the article “was not consistent with at least the spirit and intent of our community guidelines.”

It’s clear to me that we’re caught in the eye of a storm. These biotech companies are anything but the source of prosperity, as they promise.

Not only are they preventing the truth about their Franken Goods seeing the light of day – keeping consumers in the dark about the health dangers they are exposed to and gagging any negative press – but they could also turn out to be responsible for an explosion in birth defects and disease.

Don’t believe for one minute it is all for the sake of ‘growing enough food’. No. It’s about lining their pockets with gold.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


“Pesticides in paradise: Hawaii’s spike in birth defects puts focus on GM crops”, published online, 23.08.15, theguardian.com

Post Removed by PLOS ? The Fight Over Transparency: Round Two, published online 13.08.15, blogs.plos.org

Pesticides Increasingly Threaten Human Health, published online 08.09.15, articles.mercola.com

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