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Alternative Therapies

The mainstream offers plenty of gold-standard treatment protocols. While some of these address the symptoms of diseases, few of them offer real and lasting relief. This is where alternative therapies fill the gap – many of which address the underlying causes of specific diseases rather than just treating the symptoms. Adding to that, many alternative therapies are far less invasive than mainstream treatments.

For instance, chelation therapy – the removal of heavy metal toxins like mercury – can have a tremendous positive impact on your health and yet the mainstream prefers to turn a blind eye to the benefits of this alternative therapy. Probiotics are also making waves in alternative medicine and have shown to not only boost immunity but this good bacteria also help combat disease like diabetes and heart disease. The Daily Health brings you the latest breakthroughs and news on the latest alternative therapies that can help you improve your health.

Latest Articles in Alternative Therapies

acupuncture, alternative therapies

Could Acupuncture End Your Allergy Woes?

This may be a bit premature... but with the mild and pleasant weather we've lately enjoyed in the UK there is no better time than right now to get ready for the allergy season. As...

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vitamin D, immunity, colds and flu

Protect Your Heart with Vitamin C and Lysine

When two-time Noble Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling reported that a lack of vitamin C could be at the heart of the rising cardiovascular disease epidemic, he was ignored. In fact, m...

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vitamin c

Give Your Health A Powerful Boost With Mandarin Oranges

Emperor, Willow-leaf, Oneco, Le-dar and Changsa. These are all cultivars of mandarin oranges, also sometimes called tangerines. These small, sweet oranges are not only a favourite...

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pain, natural medicine, painkillers

Saatchi’s Law – A Potential Risk To Alternative Medicine?

Saatchi's Law is a new law under the Medical Innovations Bill that will allow doctors to experiment on dying patients with innovative new techniques or drugs when all else has fail...

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vitamin c

Vitamin C Is The Real Answer To Treating Shingles

Shingles is a lot simpler and safer to treat than what doctors make it out to be. However, with everything we know about Big Pharma's underhand tactics and what would appear to be...

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Liv-52, natural remedies

Natural Alternatives For Treating Rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition which mainly affects the facial area. It causes facial redness and produces small, red, pus-filled pustules (bumps). The condition...

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10 Steps To Healthy Cholesterol Levels

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As you'll discover in your FREE report, there are safe, natural ways to protect your heart without the use of risky, side-effect-ridden drugs.

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