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Motor Neurone Disease – New Research Revealed


Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a devastating, progressive disorder that destroys the muscle-controlling nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms usually develop very gradually, manifesting themselves at first in feelings of tiredness, clumsy fingers and a weak grip. After a while simple actions like turning a door handle can become increasingly difficult and problems with swallowing and speech can soon follow. As Motor Neurone Disease progresses the chest muscles can also become affected, making breathing difficult. However, intellect, memory, the senses, sexual function, and bladder and bowel control normally remain completely unaffected.

Fortunately, the disease is relatively rare and according to the Motor Neurone Disease Association charity there are currently about 5,000 sufferers in the UK. Although it can affect adults at any age, it most commonly develops between the ages of 50 and 70. Sadly many sufferers die from the disease five years following a diagnosis, although it’s important to be aware that this prognosis is not set in stone and the rate of decline can vary greatly from one individual to another.

For example, the famous physicist, Professor Stephen Hawking, developed the disease more than 40 years ago and his condition is currently stable. He takes several vitamins and minerals each day, which he believes are responsible for helping to manage his symptoms. In a recent interview for the British Medical Journal, Professor Stephen Hawking spoke about Motor Neurone Disease (MND), saying: ‘I have been lucky that my condition has progressed more slowly than is often the case. But it shows that one need not lose hope’.

While Motor Neurone Disease  is a relentless and usually fatal illness, cases like this offer hope and, better still, mounting research is revealing that natural treatments may be effective in helping to prolong patients’ lives and in enhancing their quality of life.

Beware: Artificial sweeteners and flavour enhancers can destroy your nerve cells

Nobody knows for sure what causes Motor Neurone Disease, although there are several theories. Some people with a family history of the disease have been found to have a genetic defect that prevents them from making a powerful antioxidant called superoxide dismutase (SOD), which helps fight harmful free radicals. This suggests that free radical damage to the nerve cells may be involved – a theory now supported both by animal studies and analysis of brain tissue from patients who have died from the disease.

Some experts believe that Motor Neurone Disease may also be caused by a virus. A team at the University of California detected a specific kind of virus (similar to a common virus called echovirus 7 that’s linked to meningitis) in the spinal cords of nearly 90 per cent of people who had died from Motor Neurone Disease. In comparison it was only found in 3 per cent of people who’d died from other causes.

Research also suggests that excess amounts of a neurotransmitter (brain chemical) called glutamate may also be to blame, by damaging the motor neurones (nerve cells that control muscle movements).

The flavour enhancer monosodium glutamate (used in many Chinese meals) and the artificial sweetener aspartame (NutraSweet) are dietary sources of glutamate that have been linked to degenerative brain diseases, including Motor Neurone Disease.

So make sure you avoid these at all costs.

Conventional medicine has very little to offer sufferers in the way of effective treatments for Motor Neurone Disease  and there is currently no cure. Doctors routinely prescribe a drug called riluzole (Rilutek), which slows down the release of glutamate at the nerve endings. It has been found to be successful in prolonging the lives of patients, but only by about two months on average. Unfortunately it comes with an alarming list of side effects, such as weakness, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, dizziness, headache and a tingling sensation in the mouth.

Apart from drugs, a conventional treatment approach may also involve physiotherapy, speech and occupational therapy.

High-dose antioxidants may help prevent the progression of Motor Neurone Disease (MND)

Natural remedies, particularly the antioxidants vitamin E and N-acetyl cysteine which both fight free radicals, have so far shown encouraging results. A major survey of 47 health studies from 1980 to 1997 concluded that vitamin E plays an important role in preventing and alleviating neurological disorders, including Motor Neurone Disease. The natural (mixed tocopherol) form of the vitamin appears to be far more effective than the synthetic form.

In Germany, Dr Carsten Hager, himself a sufferer, reported in 1994 that taking 5,000IU of vitamin E each day had brought about a slight improvement in his symptoms and appeared to be preventing further progression of the disease.

Vitamin E therapy may need to be continued for several months before the benefits become apparent.

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) enhances the production of glutathione, one of the body’s most powerful antioxidant enzymes. A placebo-controlled clinical trial, in which Motor Neurone Disease patients were given daily injections of NAC for 12 months, showed a slight increase in life expectancy. Those patients whose Motor Neurone Disease had started in their limbs appeared to gain more benefit than those whose throat and mouth were mainly affected. An oral dose of around 6,000mg of NAC daily is likely to be needed to bring about the same effects.

Still playing tennis and riding a bicycle, thanks to vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 may also be beneficial as the deficiency disease pellagra (caused by a vitamin B3 deficiency in the diet) can cause symptoms that are similar to those of bulbar palsy, a form of Motor Neurone Disease. A long-term trial of high dose vitamin B3, given together with vitamins B1 and B6, has so far shown encouraging results.

One patient was losing the ability to speak before starting the B3 therapy, but this problem subsequently disappeared. Another patient has lived for over ten years and is still playing tennis and riding a bicycle. The recommended dosage is 500mg of the niacinamide form of B3, four times a day, with 500mg a day of both B1 and B6.

WARNING: The dosage amounts for vitamin E, NAC and the B vitamins mentioned above are very high. They should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor and these doses should be built up to gradually. More typical therapeutic doses, which may offer some level of protection against Motor Neurone Disease (although this has yet to be proved), would be 400IU of vitamin E, 500mg of NAC and 50mg of vitamin B3 each day.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


J Austral Coll Nutr Env Med 1997; 16(1): 21

Arch Neurol 1995; 52(6): 559-64)

The Neurological Role of Vitamin E, cognis-us.com

Pharm J 2001; 267: 714-7

Brain Pathol 1999; 9(1): 165-86; BMJ 1999; 318: 1118-21

J Neurol 1997; 244: S3-S14

Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills. RL Blaylock, 1996

Neurology 2000; 54: 20
BMJ 2002; 324: 1478

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  • dear doctor ………………………my father has nmd.he cannot any work by hand becouse his hand dont work.he take daily Riluzole & Vitamin B3 but he is not feel better and his treatment AIIMS new delhi INDIA please give me anthor treatment …………………thank u doctor

    • Hi Preshant,

      You’ll have to explain a bit more about the help you are seeking. We cannot give any individual medical advice but once we know what you are looking for we may be able to point you to previous articles we have written. The information on this site is for information purposes only and unfortunately we cannot address any individual medical conditions.

  • Myself is 70 years old, recently diagnosed as MND, started taking RILUTOR (50 mg)daily since last one week.Kindly suggest any other treatment including Aurvedic for the said disease at the earliest.
    Thanking you.
    Dr. K.K.Maiti

    • Dear Dr. Maiti,

      We are not at any liberty to address any medical conditions individually as we are not equipped to do so. The best advice would be to speak to a doctor skilled in alternative and natural medicine to work out a treatment plan that best suits your needs.

      Wishing you all of the best.

  • I was diagnosed with MND last year.i take riluzole twice a day.i like others also believe that there must be something else out there which could benefit us .any suggestions would be gratefully received.

  • I was diagnosed with MND this year and am following approximately the regime of eric and i feel very optomistic about this, see
    ericiswinning.com I hope thgis helps with afresh approach and thanks for all the advice.

  • my father was diagonised wth mnd last year .took riluzole for few months.no change was seen. then went for panchakarma treatment, doc says dat it may slow down the disease. he takes aloevera and amla juice daily. its a great source of vit c. i think it will help if taken with grape seed extract

  • my grandmother died of mnd. I suffer many symptoms like she did when ylounger…..skin problems bloatedness and I am currently in the process of determining whether I have wheat intolerance. Initial signs of self test make me beleive that I have an intolerence. My father died of colonic cancer and research has led me to link wheat intolerence with this as well snf it triggered me to look and see if there were any links to mnd and gluten. Interesting reading….neither my gran nor my father were ever diagnosed with any intolerences but it makes me wonder…..

  • Can somebody give me Dr Hager Number please. or if anybody can tell me about Vitamin E Therapy and how much it should be taken.

  • Thank you for listing the the references at the bottom your articles. I have managed to follow some of these up. I have also managed to track Dr. Hager down and he has been a great help in terms of discussing vitamin E therapy.

  • My father Diagonosed MND 7 Months Ago. Now he is Taking Riluzole. Is there any Solution for it Please help Me.

  • Nightflyer Posted 13/04/2011

    One of my family members was diagnosed with MND one year ago. I am no doctor, just one like you with terminally ill loved ones. Please do your own research and draw your own conclusions. I found some meds that we are trying out with some very +ve effects
    what is that medicine my brother is also suffering mnd

  • The guys mentioned about a virus above:

    “Some experts believe that Motor Neurone Disease (MND) may also be caused by a virus. A team at the University of California detected a specific kind of virus (similar to a common virus called echovirus 7”

    I know the natural remedy “Elderberry Extract” (Sambucus Nigira), which is known for stoping Influhenza A & B (flu virusses, incl. bird-flu & swine-flu) in it’s tracks (better than any Anti-biotics), together with high dosises of Vit. C. Is also known to fight against certain strains of HIV and maybe even more. Therefor, if there is a virus involved with MND, maybe trying Elderberry extract can be an option, with lots of Vitamin C. It have history and trees elderberry grows on was called the “Medicine Tree” in the old times, so I’ve read.

    I personally only drink elderberry with 3-4 gram Vit. C every time when getting any flu, having me up and running in 24hrs no side effects. Don’t know last when I’ve used anti-biotics for flu.


  • One of my family members was diagnosed with MND one year ago. I am no doctor, just one like you with terminally ill loved ones. Please do your own research and draw your own conclusions. I found some meds that we are trying out with some very +ve effects.

  • My father diagnosed MND last JAn’2011. now He is taken riluzole twice daily. I am near kolkata. Pls tell me, where can I get good treatment to delay the progress. Good dieting and physiotherapy can help my father? He is also affected right side hand and legs and swallowing problem starts. Ayurveda treatment is better for it?

  • sarika…
    even my dad is diagnosed with mnd, he is with homeo treatment , and aslo he takes allopathic medcine for his diabetes and bld pressure .

    homeopathy has good medicines too….
    pls mail me i would suggest homeo doctor ….. where u r put up ….
    tc good day.

  • A.K.Jain, I believe from my research, that injury – some injuries can cause toxins in the body – and/or toxins (of any kind)may be the cause of many illnesses and conditions, even years after being subjected to them.
    I displayed many neurological symptoms, I had many tests, but wasn’t diagnosed with anything in relation to my symptoms, which crossed over many different illnesses and conditions.
    Similar symptoms – why not similar treatment?
    I experimented with a treatment, then experimented with many other things, some of which probably have never been scientifically tested for medicinal purposes, which gave the same relief. Each dose suppressed my symptoms within minutes, for a few hours, and after 18 months of experimentation, research, trial and error, my symptoms started to reverse.
    The treatment increases breathing, increases oxygen circulation and oxygen content, to the cells, tissues, organs, nerves, muscles etc., The diaphragm is the principle muscle for breathing – my lungs seemed to breath without any effort.
    250mgs Vitamin B1 tablets – 3 times a day
    also 1000mgs Vitamin C – 3 times a day
    That’s 6 doses a day – a dose every 4 hours if possible, or in waking hours. These are the directions on the bottles. Please see your doctor before changing any medication. It’s not an “over night fix it all”, but it only took me a few days to realize the benefit. Hope this helps.

  • My mother is diagnosed for MND in January 2011. She is taking Riluzole. Can anyone suggest treatment to control progress of this disease?

  • While I don’t know about this disease specifically the research I have been doing for my autistic children has how up with similar information the doctor mentions and have hope the disease can be slowed with the right supplements and diet. I believe the glutamate acuumulation in the brain does lead neuron(nerve cells) to die when then affect the function of the nervous system. Absolutely avoid the dietary sources of free glutamine: soy milk, hydrolized whey protein, artificial sweetener(coke zero, diet anything),hydrolized vegetable protein & flavour enhancers (stock cubes,flavoured chips&crackers, protein bars) MSG in chinese meal. I consumed basically none of this with my first and more with my second. I believe thats why he is worse…..hope this helps

  • I have had MND/ALS for over 2 years now and I take Riluzole …the only know drug presribed for mnd …it may slow down progression of this horrible disease but for only a few months. The best thing to do FIRST is to stay positive and to make the most of Every day. The mnd association are fantastic and have a helpline on their website, Also drink water and eat anti;oxidents..its not easy but there is always someone worse than you.

  • i hv been diagnosed for MND in july 2010. my age is 34. My left leg is almost paralysed and righ leg is getting weaker day by day. after extensive research i came to know that this disease is relentless and fatal. Can i make this process slow by any treatmen? if any body knows about its treatment please inform me.

  • My mom is suffering from MND(ALS) please help me what can be done she is taking riluzole daily but no use she is unable to eat and unable to swallow

  • My mom is suffering from MND(ALS) please help me what can be done she is taking riluzole daily but no use she is unable to eat and unable to swallow

  • My mom is suffering from MND(ALS) please help me what can be done she is taking riluzole daily but no use she is unable to eat and unable to swallow

  • My father is suffering frm MND (motor neuron disease)/ALS bulbar onset. His age is 58 years and since last 7 months we know about this disease… We have done all possible treatment like Ayurvedic, Homeopathy but not effective. If any suggestion from u plz just inform me,…

  • My step father has recently diagnosed with MND…His capability to eat is becoming increasingly difficult as he is finding it hard to swallow and I am just wondering has anyone got any suggestions on what soft foods we can give him..

  • hello doctor, my father is suffering frm MND (motor neuron disease). his age is 54 years and since last 7 months we know about this disease… if any suggestion frm u plz just inform me,… my name is manish jain and we r frm surat.. my num is 9537565149.. thanK u

  • hello doctor, my father is suffering frm MND (motor neuron disease). his age is 54 years and since last 7 months we know about this disease… if any suggestion frm u plz just inform me,…

  • hi my uncle has been diagonosed for MND
    his leg and hand movement are completely stopped
    he comes from a humble background..aare thereany charitablewinstitutions that take MNDcases, any homeopath help?

    please help

  • I have been diagnosed for pseudoblbar palsy in early 2008. Since then I am on riluzole ,evion lc, tidomet e 50.My speech is detriorating day by day.I am able to eat normally with little swallowing difficulty.I am attending speech therapist regularly. Drooling is a great problem.

  • My father has diagnosed MND one year back.Now he is fully on bed,only slightly one hand working.I am trying to findout proper treatment.
    pl. help me if treatment available
    my email id-

  • My father has diagnosed MND one year back.Now he is fully on bed,only slightly one hand working.I am trying to findout proper treatment.
    pl. help me if treatment available
    my email id-

  • Eliminate gluten. Stephen Hawking has. It’s the causse of coeliac disease another auto immune disease. Must be worth a try.

  • I am suffering with MN. I am taking vit E, B1,B3 B6 Fish oil, lots of raw vegetable juices, Not sure where to get Lithium and Apex.I will try Aloe vera to. I would appreciate any further suggestions on diet etc I have left leg, left arm and throat affected and would appreciate any advise anyone can give to me.

  • My father has recently been diagnosed with MN. I am very concerned about the drugs the Doctor will give him. I am a great believer in natural medicine especially aloe vera which has so many benefits to our health. Gives our immune system a boost.

  • My cousin in India is recently diagnosed with MND. I have done extensive research and found out that it is largely to do with PH balnce in the stomach. Too much acidity in the body has been a constant symptom with him ever since I know him. Lithium and Apex, also stem cell injection is the line we are following.

  • My father was diagnosed with MN today and i have been looking through pages on the internet to find information that will help him I came across your posting and am now wondering if you have found anything that has been helpful to your wifes complaint. My father went through a trauma when my mum died 2 years ago and has not improved Im not sure if this was a prevailing condition beforehand that only showed up after the grief process or not.

  • My wife was diagnosed with MND about a year ago, roughly eighteen months after we have been involved in a serious car accident. My question is whether trauma can speed up the MND disease?

    She presently shows slight progress after she has gone on a gluten free diet.

    We have been “warned” by the neurologist who made the diagnosis not to even try and seek for possible remedies, as there is no cure. However since I personally do not believe in incurable diceases we are doing a research of our own and it seems as if we are getting somewhere.

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