How A Minor Injury Could Land You In An Early Grave


As children, it was easy to get right back up after a minor fall or seemingly small injury. Despite the bumps, bruises and maybe a few tears, we shook it off and carried on with what we were busy with.

However as you get older, the proverbial “getting back in the saddle” as quickly as possible, may not serve you well. In fact, recent research has found that although you might feel fine within the first day after a small injury or minor fall, it’s actually in the weeks after the injury that you are most at risk. And as much as it’s hard to imagine that taking a little stumble could cost you your life, that’s exactly what could happen.

According to the latest study, an increased risk of death after a minor injury can be due to infection or even sepsis, both of which would take some time to set in.

The risk is particularly high if you fall and break a bone, or have some other kind of injury that’s not considered life-threatening, but is serious enough to put you in the hospital. Elderly patients who remain in a hospital for two to three weeks actually have a higher risk of death because of exposure to infections.

So if you do end up in the hospital after something seemingly minor, here are some natural ways to help boost your immunity and fight off infections:

  • Load up on disease-fighting vitamins C and D
  • Take a daily probiotic, since your health begins and ends in your gut
  • Supplement with zinc, which boosts your T-cells – the natural “killer cells” in your body that help fight infection
  • Flush out toxins by drinking lots of water.

Of course, you should at least try to avoid injury – and that doesn’t mean staying home on the couch. There are many gentle exercises that actually help strengthen your muscles, increase flexibility, and improve balance (therefore reducing the likelihood of falls), like yoga.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Trauma patient deaths peak at two weeks,

Highest death risk comes weeks after low level trauma: Study,

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