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Women’s Health

At the Daily Health you’ve got the partner you need to face the women’s health concerns that most women face at some stage of their lives, including menopause, breast cancer, cervical cancer and hormonal imbalances.

The Daily Health will arm you with all the information you need to understand – and even delay or combat – some of the most distressing women’s health concerns, naturally without the need to take harmful drugs or undergo invasive procedures like mammograms. Find answers to how to protect yourself against breast cancer, cope with menopause and how to deal with female libido problems.

If you’ve not thought about it yet, now is the time to focus on these women’s health concerns so that you can stay fit and healthy (on all levels) well into your old age.

Latest Articles in Women’s Health

female libido, erection problems

Flibanserin: Female Libido Drug Brings More Pain Than Pleasure

Since 2010, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejected this drug twice... and yet, recently an FDA committee made a U-turn and voted 18-6 in favour of approving Sprou...

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breast cancer, thermography, mammograms

Mammograms Are Not The Future Of Breast Cancer Detection

Earlier this week I told you about a recent study, which showed that out of 700,000 women a whopping 77,000 were told their mammogram results were suspicious. However, in nearly 99...

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biopsies, breast cancer

Misread Breast Biopsies Lead To Wrong Breast Cancer Diagnoses

It turns out that breast biopsies are not the fool-proof final word on whether women have breast cancer or not. In fact, according to a new study, published in the Journal of the A...

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gardasil, vaccine

Mainstream Gags The Truth About Gardasil’s Dark Side

We might live in an age of 24/7/365 news coverage, but that doesn't mean censorship is not still very much alive and well. A case in point is when the largest daily newspaper in C...

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drugs, pharmacist

FDA Rejects Abortion Warning For OTC Constipation Drug

When you think about ways to treat constipation, you probably first think about adding more fibre to your diet, taking a natural constipation remedy like magnesium, and if that doe...

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Gardasil Vaccine

More Bad News About The Gardasil Vaccine

Here at the Daily Health we've been called many things... crazy... scaremongering... from the Dark Ages... All because we speak out against the use of dangerous vaccines, like the...

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