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Men’s Health

At the Daily Health you’ve got the partner you need to face the men’s health concerns that all men face at some stage of their lives, including prostate problems, prostate cancer, low-testosterone levels, impotence and sexual dysfunction.

The Daily Health will arm you with all the information you need to understand – and even delay or combat – some of the most distressing men’s health concerns, naturally without the need to take harmful drugs. Find answers to how to protect your prostate, combat declining testosterone levels and improving your performance in the bedroom.

If you’ve not thought about it yet, now is the time to focus on these men’s health concerns so that you can stay fit and healthy (on all levels) well into your old age.

Latest Articles in Men’s Health


Prostate Health: Don’t Sacrifice Your Manhood With This Drug

Men are often diagnosed with BPH (enlarged prostate) before they even experience any symptoms, which is the perfect time to stop it from getting any worse - using an ounce of preve...

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prostate, men's health

Is This The Prostate Cancer Breakthrough You’ve Been Waiting For?

When it comes to prostate health, here are the four most important letters you need to know: HIFU. These letters stand for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. HIFU is a type of can...

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libido, fluoride, male fertility

Can Fluoride Affect Male Fertility?

Every now and then fluoride rears its ugly head again. It's a contentious issue. Die-hard fans, like the Australian Dental Association (ADA), claim there is no convincing or credib...

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pumpkins seeds

Outsmart Prostate Problems With Pumpkin Seeds

With autumn slowly starting to set in, one thing is for sure: There'll be a lot more lazy evenings spent indoors, watching films or reruns of your favourite sitcoms. If you're any...

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prostate cancer

The Best Thing To Do For Your Prostate Today

The one thing every man should start thinking about when he turns 40, is his prostate health. Yes, I know, 40 might sound a bit early, but the truth is 1 in every 10,000 men under...

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prostate health, men's health

Beware Of This Prostate Drug’s Harmful Side Effects

When it comes to prostate health, let me ask you this: If you want to keep mice out of your house, would you buy dozens of poisonous snakes and give them free rein? Of course not....

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10 Steps To Healthy Cholesterol Levels

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