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Immunity refers to the body’s ability to keep illness away. If you have a strong immune system your body is able to keep itself healthy by fighting illness, defending itself against infections and its ability to avoid allergies. While the mainstream’s approach to boosting immunity is through measures like annual flu vaccines, there are many natural ways with which you can protect and boost your immune system.

Many of us don’t think about our immune systems, but the fact is a compromised immune system is the gateway to disease and deteriorating health. The Daily Health will show you how to protect and bolster your immune system naturally and effectively.

Latest Articles in Immunity

shingles vaccine

Shingles Vaccine Offers Little Protection

When it comes to vaccines, I am the last one to jump on the bandwagon. The shingles vaccine is another example of why I have little or no respect for the mainstream's hyper aggress...

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antibiotic resistance, super bugs

Don’t Become A Victim Of Antibiotic Resistance

Over the past 5 years, the mainstream has warned us that antibiotics are losing their effectiveness at a rate that is both alarming and irreversible - similar to global warming.�...

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Niacin Fights Superbugs

Researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre, Oregon State University, the National Cancer Institute of Singapore and the University of Muenster in Germany found that vitamin B3 (n...

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sepsis, drugs,

Useless Drug Used For 10 Years To Treat Sepsis

In October last year, drug maker Eli Lilly, issued a statement to The European Medicines Agency, that it will withdraw its drug Xigris - a medicine which used to treat sepsis....

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selenium, immunity, immune system

Selenium for boosting immune system function

You could call it the vitamin E helper. As I've mentioned before, the metallic trace element, selenium boosts the antioxidant power of vitamin E... and even if that was all seleniu...

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Three Steps To Help Prevent C. Diff Infections

If you should get sick, the last place you want to be is a hospital. Hospitals are teeming with the most vile bacteria on earth, causing all kinds of infections... some of which ca...

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