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Chronic Disease

According to the mainstream’s definition, a chronic disease is one lasting 3 months or more and it cannot be prevented by a vaccine or cured by medication. Chronic diseases and conditions — such as heart disease,  cancer and type 2 diabetes — are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems.

While the mainstream has been unable to come up with effective ways to treat chronic disease, our message at the Daily Health is that chronic disease can be prevented by taking active measures to protect and improve your health. While the message of prevention is not strongly promoted by the mainstream, research also suggests that not only have some of the mainstream’s recommendations been misguided when it comes to combatting common chronic conditions but that the gold-standard treatments prescribed to millions of people are often ineffective.

So, if you’re looking for alternatives and a different perspective on chronic disease, you’ve come to the right place.

Latest Articles in Chronic Disease

vitamin D, lungs, healthy living

Diabetes Treatments: The Vitamin No Diabetic Should Be Without

I've written about diabetes plenty of times, and how it's joined at the hip with sugar, starch and carbohydrates in general. It's easy enough to avoid diabetes just by avoiding tho...

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osteoporosis, bone

Osteoporosis: Don’t Let Age Destroy Your Bones

Most of us (especially women) have a tendency to lose bone mass density (BMD) as we age increasing the likelihood of both developing osteoporosis and breaking a bone. One way to...

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smoking, cancer, lung problems

Heart Disease: A Colourful Diet Offers Some Protection Against Second-Hand Smoke

If someone smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, there's no way around it, they're going to suffer endothelial dysfunction (more on that in a moment). Now you might say to that per...

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heart, c-reactive protein

Depression: How To Beat Depression After A Heart Attack

But for those who suffer from depression following a heart attack, there's a winning combination of nutrients that may successfully relieve depression while also improving heart he...

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Are Your Prescription Drugs Slowly Killing You?

Over the weekend I visited a close friend who's nearing her 60th birthday. In the past few months, she's been complaining of increased fatigue, worsening of arthritis pain and fu-l...

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Bromelain: New Cancer Fighting Properties Uncovered

A pineapple displayed on a gatepost once indicated that a sailor had returned from an ocean voyage. This was back in pre-industrial times when pineapples were still quite exotic to...

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10 Steps To Healthy Cholesterol Levels

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As you'll discover in your FREE report, there are safe, natural ways to protect your heart without the use of risky, side-effect-ridden drugs.

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