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Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases are long-lasting conditions, defined as over three months, which can usually be controlled but not cured.

Chronic diseases and conditions — such as heart disease, cancer and type-2 diabetes — are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems. They currently account for 60% of all global deaths, 79% of which occur in the developing world. Chronic diseases are diseases of affluence linked by common and preventable risk factors like high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and being overweight, as a result of behavioural choices like physical inactivity, poor diet and smoking.

Prevention is the key to ward off chronic conditions. Understanding what the risk factors are, for example understanding that poor diet, physical inactivity and obesity can lead to heart disease, type-2 diabetes and cancer, should lead you to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle which will work wonders for your short term and long term health.

The mainstream has been unable to come up with effective ways to treat chronic disease. Not only have some of the mainstream’s recommendations been misguided when it comes to combatting common chronic conditions but that the gold-standard treatments prescribed to millions of people are often ineffective. The medication often prescribed for chronic diseases can be massively detrimental to your health but sometimes even cause the health concern you are trying to avoid. One study suggests that between 1999 and 2009, the popular diabetes drug Avandia resulted in 50,000 people suffering from a stroke, heart attack, heart failure or died. It was also reported that it increased the risk of heart attacks by 30-40 per cent.

Our message at the Daily Health understands that chronic disease can be prevented by taking active measures to protect and improve your health. So, if you’re looking for alternatives and a different perspective on chronic disease, you’ve come to the right place.

Latest Articles in Chronic Disease

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What Are The Risks Associated With Diabetes Drugs?

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Statins, crestor

Another Dubious Statin Drug Hits The Market

Less than a month ago, international drug giant AstraZeneca (AZ) launched a new cholesterol-lowering statin drug called Crestor. AZ reps claim their Crestor drug is less expensive...

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Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Ward Off Breast Cancer

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The term 'deep vein thrombosis' (DVT) is well and truly embedded in the public's consciousness now, following numerous newspaper reports. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is caused by si...

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Colourful Foods Could Lower Your Risk of Ovarian Cancer

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Policosanol: Cholesterol, To Lower Or Not To Lower…

Policosanol, a compound of fatty alcohols derived primarily from sugar cane or beeswax, is fast gaining a reputation as a natural alternative to statin drugs for lowering cholester...

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Aspirin Risks: Take Care When Taking Painkillers

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Glutathione Could Cut The Risk Of Breast Cancer

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