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According to Cancer Research UK, 1 in 2 people born after 1960 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. 4 in 10 cases each year in the UK are linked to major lifestyle and other factors, like tobacco which is the single most preventable cause of death in the world.

There is no cure for cancer yet and the race to find a lifesaving treatment has been on for years, and has given life to a global industry. What are your options when it comes to choosing an effective treatment for cancer? Are you genetically predisposed to the disease? Can you prevent this disease from happening to you or a loved one? What is the real impact of the gold-standard treatments – chemotherapy and radiation – on your health. Do you even have other options to choose from?

Here at the Daily Health we explore all these questions and more because like everyone else, when it comes to cancer, we are also looking for answers.

Latest Articles in Cancer


Cruciferous Vegetables Lower Your Risk Of Bladder Cancer

Increasing your intake of cruciferous vegetables may slash your risk of bladder cancer by up to 30 per cent according to new research, which lays the benefits at the feet of their...

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chlorella, fibromyalgia

Chlorella: How Algae Can Help Ease Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Being green may not be easy - even if you're an internationally famous frog puppet - but when it comes to the 'green food' supplement called chlorella, being green is a very good t...

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Brexit. NHS

Faecal Occult Blood Test: Avoid These Foods Before Tests

My friend Sarah is in her late 30s and has been having some gastrological problems. Her doctor referred her to a specialist whom he described as 'widely recommended.' So far so goo...

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Green tea, soil based organisms

How Green Tea Could Help Prevent Cancer

I recently received an e-mail from a regular reader who asked why I don't give more attention to the health benefits of green tea. Good question, because many studies have shown t...

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ginseng, cancer

Ginseng Found To Increase Breast Cancer Patients’ Quality Of Life

QOL is an acronym for quality of life. When QOL is good, we may not give it much thought on a day-to-day basis. But when life is challenged with a serious health crisis, QOL often...

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colon cancer

High C-Reactive Protein Levels Could Indicate Colon Cancer Risk

You may have read about the 'new' C-reactive protein (CRP) blood test that can help predict heart disease risk. CRP's use as a marker for cardiovascular problems may be relatively...

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