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Chelation Therapy Comes Under Fire

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“Access Denied.” That’s the last thing you want to see when you’re trying to get something done on the Internet.

But that’s just an annoyance. Imagine having your access denied to medical treatment.

You probably won’t be surprised that it happens every day. Sadly, many of those treatments can save lives… including chelation or chelation therapy.

Standard but not good enough?

Chelation therapy is the treatment used to treat heavy metal poisoning. It often involves the injection of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) – also referred to as a ‘synthetic amino acid’ – that binds with (chelates) heavy metals, which include iron, lead, mercury, cadmium, and zinc.

EDTA is a man-made amino acid, which has a particular affinity for toxic metals such as mercury, cadmium, aluminium and lead. EDTA binds with these toxic metals after an intravenous infusion or oral application, helping the body to easily secrete them.

EDTA was first used in the US in 1948 as a treatment for industrial workers suffering from lead poisoning and, in America, has since become the treatment-of-choice for lead poisoning. The US Navy gave EDTA orally to thousands of sailors in the 1940s to treat and combat lead toxicity.

Today, it is also used as an antioxidant in foods, a chelating agent in pharmaceuticals and as an anticoagulant for blood taken for haematological studies. In the UK, it is the standard treatment for acute heavy metal poisoning.

If that were all chelation did, it would be a remarkable therapy. But it also clears calcium deposits from artery walls.

World renowned alternative health expert, Dr. Alan Spreen is a long-time champion of chelation. He believes that anyone with confirmed cardiovascular disease should give this therapy serious attention.

However, all of this is about to change…

Follow the money

At a 2012 medical toxicology meeting in the US, officials urged doctors to report on other doctors who use chelation. That’s right. They want them to betray their own colleagues.

If doctors rat out other doctors, they’ll do that by calling state medical boards. Many of those boards are likely to take action to suppress this therapy, which by the way is approved by the American Food and Drug Administration.

Mainstream doctors win… and who loses? You don’t even have to ask. Patients lose, of course. But why?

A full chelation regimen can cost an arm and a leg… and most medical insurers won’t pay for an alternative therapy like chelation… On the other hand, health insurance WILL pay for heart surgery.

You’ve guessed it… right there is the key to the chelation “problem.”

When it comes to a decision between alternative or conventional medicine, you know which one the mainstreamers will try to protect… Heart specialists and medical boards would rather you have a bypass operation or a stent inserted in a vein, instead of having a much cheaper and more effective alternative therapy.

As always, when it comes to patient care, these guys will rather follow the money instead of providing their patients with the most cost-effective and less invasive alternative.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


“Removing Heavy Metals from the Body Is ‘Dangerous’?” Alliance for Natural Health, 4/24/12, anh-usa.org

“Trying to Close a Credibility Gap in Research” Ed Silverman, Pharmalot, 5/16/12, pharmalot.com

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  • About a other type of chelation therapy!
    Its a small tablet named-called ,, Bio Alpha Lipon acid ,, have the same treatment effect to bind toxic heavy metals and remove it from the body-cells, but it works with oraly taken therapy.

    It can also reach the braincells-neurons and can passed the BBB ( Blood-Brain-Barriere shild) to reached and remove the hazardous, dangerous toxic / neurotoxic heavy metals hidden depots out of your body.

    It also maby a good possible helping hand for some neuropathy nerve dammage diseases.

    But afcourse be ware and take care , Its always very good and wise to speak first with a your doctor about the use of it before you take or use it as therapy, because he can advice you if its a good step for/as a treatment of your complains, diseases, etc
    Do not use it whitout a doctor consult advice, visit, because your doctor knows what to do and especialy what not to do, dont take any risks, let your doctor support you, together its a good way to speak with your doctor.

    friendly greetings

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