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Enlist Duo: Avoid This Deadly Weed Killer At All Cost


If you remember the horrors of the deadly weed killer Agent Orange, then get ready for a double shock. However, if you think Agent Orange may be a character from a Doctor Who episode, here’s a bit of background:

Agent Orange was developed by a British team during the Second World War and was later used as a defoliant by the US Army during the Vietnam War. Between 1962 and 1977, it is estimated that 77 million litres of chemical defoliants were sprayed over South Vietnam, the most widely used being Agent Orange.

The logic behind its use was simple: to kill the foliage on the ground that provided cover for insurgents as they transported supplies, weapons and personnel, making them more visible from the air and easier to target by US forces.

About 5 million people were exposed to Agent Orange’s toxins (dioxins) as it was sprayed indiscriminately in the mountainous region along the Vietnam/Cambodia border. Among the illnesses contracted by people exposed to the dioxins are non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, several varieties of cancer, type 2 diabetes, soft tissue sarcoma, birth defects in children, spina bifida and reproductive abnormalities, to name a few.

In 2013, the Association for Victims of Agent Orange in Ho Chi Minh City, in Vietnam, filed its fourth lawsuit against American chemical companies that produced Agent Orange.

Never-ending horror story

You’d think that a chemical concoction so poisonous and with such dire health consequences would be banned forever, wouldn’t you?

Well, think again.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is ready to approve a new, highly toxic weed killer for use on food crops. It contains glyphosate – found in Monsanto’s Roundup – and 2,4-D – the main chemical in Agent Orange.

It’s a chemical assault we’ve never been exposed to before and as expected, despite scores of objections from medical and health professionals, the EPA is going ahead full speed with its approval.

This super-toxic, weed killing duo is called “Enlist Duo” and it’s manufactured by Dow Chemical, who developed it because Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer has backfired.

GM crops are designed to withstand the toxic onslaught when sprayed with Roundup. So in the end all that dies are the weeds and not the crops… But nature always finds a way and the weeds “learned” how to survive. The result is new Superweeds that aren’t killed when doused with Roundup.

Enter Enlist Duo. As I mentioned before this deadly duo is made up of Round Up’s glyphosate and Agent Orange’s 2,4-D.

To start with, studies on rats who were fed GM corn sprayed with Roundup, suffered serious health effects, including severe organ damage and deadly tumours.

Add to that, 2,4-D that has been linked to Parkinson’s, hypothyroidism, cancers and lowered immune function, and you have a recipe for a weed killing apocalypse!

In fact, Mary Ellen Kustin, a senior policy analyst with The Environmental Working Group, said that: “The mountain of evidence linking 2,4-D with serious health problems in people,including cancer, should stop wholesale approval of the largest expansion of toxic herbicide spraying in decades.”

Unfortunately, Kustin’s warning fell on deaf ears and EnlistDuo will soon be approved for use on genetically modified (GM) corn and soy crops only, specially “designed” in the laboratories of Dow Chemical to withstand the deadly chemicals in Enlist Duo.

So buy organic products, which, by law, cannot contain any GMOs… and also steer clear of any foods that contain soy and corn derived ingredients, like high fructose corn syrup and soy oil usually found in processed or manufactured food products.

Buying organic and checking labels may add a bit of extra time and trouble spent in the supermarket aisles, but it is a small sacrifice to make if you want to protect the health of your family… and possibly your future generation.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


“Elinst herbicide: The new GMO threat we need to stop” Leah Zerbe, Rodale News, rodalenews.com

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