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Arsenic In Your Drinking Water?


If you struggle to keep your blood sugar in line, and you struggle with weight that yo-yos up and down, you’re sure not alone.

That’s not much comfort, knowing that others are struggling too. But you’ve got to wonder – all these people, working hard to be diligent about blood sugar and weight control – why is it such a common struggle?

The answer might come as a surprise.

It might be something right there in your kitchen, lurking in your tap water.

Problems by the gallon

When I think of arsenic, I think of the poison used in old movies. It was always in a dark bottle with a skull and cross bones on the label.

But arsenic isn’t a poison manufactured in a lab. It’s actually a natural element in soil that seeps into groundwater. That’s how it makes its way to your tap.

A new report finds that even low levels of arsenic in drinking water can impair lung function.

Now, poor lung function is bad enough, obviously. But arsenic is also linked to high blood sugar, type 2 diabetes, and abdominal weight gain.

I probably don’t have to tell you that it’s weight around your middle that’s the hardest to get rid of. It’s also the most dangerous, because it’s linked to inflammation and fatty liver disease.

That’s why this new arsenic report is so disturbing.

Even a low level of arsenic (19 parts per billion) can start undermining your health. But if you regularly drink water that contains just a little more (120 PPB), it can set you on a course toward all these chronic health problems.

The problem in the UK is that very little is known about the arsenic levels of the underground aquifers which provide the only source of drinking water to many of the scattered communities beyond the areas served by public mains water supplies.

These isolated areas have to rely on borehole or well water for human consumption and whilst these supplies are regulated by UK legislation, very few are tested. Based on risk assessment conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, arsenic exposure via ingestion has a recognised risk of several cancers and other chronic diseases.

If your tap water comes from a borehole or well, you should test it as soon as possible. If it comes from a municipal water supply, your danger is lower. But it would certainly be worth a test.

Inexpensive test kits are available online from websites like CamLab (

Standard water filters like Pur and Brita don’t catch arsenic. If your arsenic level is high, you’ll need a more advanced filter, like a reverse osmosis system. The design and size of these systems vary, so check around to see which one is right for your home.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


“Arsenic in Drinking Water: 13 Million Americans at Risk” Newsmax Health, 9/20/13,

“Gum Disease Can Lead to Arthritis: Study” Nick Tate, Newsmax Health, 9/13/13,

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