Fatigue: Are You Suffering From This Invisible Illness?
This is probably the last thing you want to hear on a Monday morning, but the truth is some days we all wake up on the wrong side of the bed – or on the early side of it – and just can’t get our “get up and go” going.
But for so many people, it’s happening more and more. Not just a day here and there… it’s becoming a way of life. It’s like most of us are running on empty.
In a recent article about fatigue, Dr. Lauren Deville listed a few health concerns that may be at the root of the problem. But of all the possible causes, she singled out one as the cause she sees more often than any other: adrenal fatigue.
In fact, adrenal fatigue may be one of the most pervasive – but ignored – problems of our time. That’s because it’s the very product of this stressful time we live in.
The secret to boundless energy
Forty years ago, if you wanted a double espresso, you’d have to go looking for a specialist coffee house or an Italian restaurant.
Today? A double espresso is as close as the nearest Starbucks… and let’s face it, they are everywhere.
And if you need a pick-me-up on the way there, you can stop at your local corner store for an energy drink.
It’s probably not a coincidence that all these quick-energy-boosters have exploded on the market at the same time. In just the past few years, our lives have become more hectic and fast-paced than any of us could have ever imagined.
And, with email, texting, smart phones and iPads, we have hardly any downtime.
But most people don’t grab double espressos just to enjoy them. Most people crave those energy shots because they’re fighting off fatigue. What’s worse, many people are going from boost to boost just to maintain some sense of normal.
And for many of us, stress is directly linked to fatigue.
Here’s how it works. Stress prompts your adrenal glands to produce a hormone called cortisol. It helps you cope and keeps you alert. Adrenals also produce DHEA, an energy hormone. But when stress becomes chronic, cortisol production stays high. Then DHEA levels drop and fatigue sets in. Your stamina wanes. You can’t concentrate.
And that’s when your body sends that signal: Get me a cuppa Joe – now!
But that cup of strong coffee won’t save you… neither will the next one and the one after that. It will give you a boost. You’ll feel better for the moment. But then you need another, and another, and another.
The good news is that you can break free of this rut, get your hormones back on track, and literally turn your whole life around.
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“Fatigue: Why Do You Feel Like A Zombie?” Dr. Lauren Deville, Tucson Citizen, 6/29/12, tucsoncitizen.com