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Don’t Fall For Big Pharma’s Ploy To Push More ADHD Drugs


According to a new study, published in the prestigious journal The Lancet, people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are over twice as likely to die prematurely – especially from “unnatural causes,” like accidents.

The researchers said they were unable to determine what the link is between ADHD and accidental premature deaths.

My suspicion is that instead of exposing yet another aspect of ADHD, this study actually points to something even more terrible.

Instead of showing an association between ADHD and “risky behaviour” or assuming that unfortunate accidents might be the result of ADHD sufferers’ ‘inattentive’ and ‘impulsive’ natures, it could point more to the long-term effects of drugging millions of children with ADHD drugs.

ADHD – There is no such thing

The researchers of this latest study tracked nearly two million subjects for 30 years, starting at their first birthday.

Of those two million, 32,000 had been “diagnosed” with ADHD. According to the researchers, ADHD sufferers were twice as likely to die young, especially in a violent manner.

Now, before we talk about any study, research or conclusions about ADHD, there’s one fact, a vital one, that you need to know: There is no way of testing for ADHD and no doctor, professor or psychologist out there who can do so. Even drug companies haven’t come up with any real tests.

It’s not just me saying that, but even the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) – the ‘Bible’ used to diagnose every single mental health issue – alludes to this fact on page 61 (to be precise).

Even Dr. Leon Eisenberg – the ‘father’ of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and leader in child psychiatry who was revered in the mental health profession for his theories on autism and social medicine – debunked ADHD as a massive scam in his last interview before his death.

Dr. Eisenberg even admitted that his theories about this behavioural disorder have led to the vast over-diagnosis of children with the condition.

So when you hear about children being “diagnosed” with ADHD, it’s all based on a “checklist of behaviours”… carried out by a doctor, nurse or some school official.

Now, you would think when this study came out, it would send shivers down the spines of any doctor, nurse or school official who pushed to start an innocent child on a lifetime of risky medications.

But no, it was just the opposite!

‘Experts’ have been coming out of the woodwork saying we now need to pay more attention to ADHD. One professor of psychiatry even said that “for too long the validity of ADHD as a medical disorder has been challenged.”

That doctor would like even more children to be “identified” and treated!

But that may have been the goal of this study all along… because if you look at the fine print you’ll find that it was funded with a grant from the Lundbeck Foundation, which is described as an “active industrial foundation” with most of its grant money going to two subsidiaries that just happen to be drug companies.

In fact, most of its money goes to one just called Lundbeck, which specialises in making drugs for the “treatment of brain diseases”…. You know, “diseases” like ADHD.

So it should come as no surprise that we’re being told not to worry, because while all this talk about children dying young may frighten parents, they can “seek solace in the knowledge” that Big Pharma is here to help.

We know that drug companies look for as many ways as possible to come in through the “back door” and scare us into taking their dangerous and often unnecessary medications.

However, to frighten parents into thinking their children are going to die a horrible death if they don’t “seek treatment” for a made-up disorder is about as low as it gets.

Bear in mind all the material in this email alert is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


“People with ADHD are twice as likely to die prematurely, often due to accidents” February 25, 2015, ScienceDaily, sciencedaily.com

“What is oppositional defiant disorder?” Royce Flippin, Additude, additudemag.com

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