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Natural Remedies Can Stop The Misery Of Tinnitus


If you suffer from tinnitus, you’ll be only too aware of how unbearable the persistent ringing, buzzing or hissing sound in your ears can be interfering with both your sleep and your normal everyday activities. You’re not alone, however, as one in every ten adults in the UK suffers from this distressing condition. Fortunately, there are many effective natural alternatives to drugs and surgery that can bring considerable relief and help you cope.

One of the main causes of tinnitus is exposure to loud noise, which wears down the delicate hair cells in your inner ear that translate sounds into nerve impulses. Other factors include high blood pressure, head injury damage, ear infections, high cholesterol, medication, or an aneurysm (ballooning of an artery), which causes an obstruction to the blood flow to your inner ear.

Tinnitus can also be a symptom of Meniere’s disease, whereby fluids build up in your inner ear and cause vertigo and loss of hearing. Poor nutrition, food allergies and low blood sugar are also thought to contribute to tinnitus, and stress is commonly linked with the onset or worsening of the condition.

Drugs and surgery can make matters worse!

Doctors commonly prescribe the drug betahistidine, or ‘Serc’. This is used to treat Meniere’s disease and works to reduce the pressure in your inner ear – however, its side-effects include nausea and stomach upsets. Antihistamines are also used to reduce mucus production and let your inner ear dry out – but they can cause drowsiness and blurred vision.

Antidepressants and tranquillisers have also been given to tinnitus sufferers, in an attempt to help them cope with the intolerable persistence of the sound they hear. However, such drugs have serious side-effects, including insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, nausea, stomach pain, and dependency – and can even make your condition worse.

Surgery may be a last resort, especially if blood vessel abnormalities or a problem with the temporo-mandibular joint (the hinge between your skull and jaw) are suspected, to remove swollen blood vessels or abnormal bone growth. However, surgery has a low success rate and can actually worsen tinnitus or even result in complete deafness!

Simple dietary and lifestyle changes can improve your symptoms

Tinnitus sufferers should avoid certain foods, which can aggravate the condition – these include, sugar, salt, saturated fats, dairy products and processed foods. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, raw foods and good quality proteins instead.

As low blood sugar has been associated with tinnitus, you should prevent blood sugar swings by cutting out sweet foods, refined flour products and stimulants, such as coffee, tea and alcohol. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, start a programme of exercise (gently at first), since this can help improve the flow of blood to your ears.

Natural alternatives can relieve the torture of tinnitus

Nutritional and herbal supplements can provide complete relief if your tinnitus is a recent problem, or reduce long-standing symptoms. Niacin, a form of vitamin B3, can be extremely beneficial, as it opens up your blood vessels and allows more oxygen and nutrients to reach your inner ear. Take 100-200mg a day, taken as part of a balanced B-complex supplement. Injections of vitamin B12 (1mg intramuscularly, twice a week) have also been shown to help – consult your doctor for more information.

Supplementing with magnesium (500-1,000mg a day) has been shown to reverse noise-induced hearing loss . The cochlea of the ear (spiral organ) has the body’s highest concentration of zinc. A Japanese study showed that zinc supplements relieve symptoms of tinnitus in people with a zinc deficiency. Take 15-30mg a day.

The extract of the maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba, is known to dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow. Studies indicate that taking 120-240mg a day of standardised extract for 4-6 weeks can deliver significant improvements. The herb, black cohosh, can also help by improving blood flow to your brain. The suggested dose is 20-40mg a day.

Because tinnitus has so many possible causes, you may need to try a few of these natural remedies before you find a treatment that works for you. The main thing is not to give up hope – and don’t listen to doctors who tell you it’s something you’ve just got to live with!

Disclaimer: This article is part of the Daily Health's extensive research archive. The research and information contained in this article was accurate at the the time of publication but may have been updated since the date of publication. Consult our most recent articles for the latest research on alternative health and natural breakthroughs.

Bear in mind the material provided in this content is for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Am. J. Otolaryngol 15: 26-32, 1994

Oto-rhino-laryngol. Soc. Japan 100(9): 915-9, 1997

Clin. Otolaryngol. 24: 164-7,1999; Advances in Therapy 15(1): 54-65, 1998

Am. J Otolaryngol. 14:94-99,1993

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  • Are you in search for instant cure for tinnitus? It’s quite common to have mild tinnitus, and around one in 10 people are occasionally affected. One in 200 people have tinnitus so badly that it affects their ability to lead a normal life. Tinnitus is the perception of sounds in the absence of an outside source.

  • Sorry to hear that so many of you are suffering with tinnitus. I am not a sufferer, but i have heard that a herb called JIAOGULAN is effective for this disorder when all else has failed…Hope that helps!

  • Thank you for your great article. I struggle with tinnitus and will certainly try your advice.

  • i have had tinnitus for years i am desperate to find and lessen the annoying sound in my right ear can you help me please!

  • After flying to New York I developed a slight tinnitus. Now, six months later it is a roaring high pitch noise, and at times highly infuriating!
    I have noticed that driving makes it worse, alongside wine and stress.
    Are there any decent studies out there on tinnitus I may access? I would gladly volunteer if there are none. I live in the UK. I am currently using electromagnetic therapy. I am awaiting an improvement.

  • I suffer from tinnitus for years I use to take Clear Tinnitus but is not working any more, please help me.

  • I have had tinnitus for the last two years in one ear, which is now beginning to develop in the other ear. Please help.

  • I was wondering what is tebbonin? Is that a herb that people get to use as a supplement to help them with the tinnitus or does it really work to cure tinntus? What cures tinnitus?

  • Hello My mum is a sufferer of tinnitus. I put her on TEBBONIN which has ginko in it bought it at a health shop. My mums ringing in her ears have stopped. My mums memory has also improved and her vertigo has improved, took about 2 months to work. cheers

  • Very useful information. Would be glad to know more about how one can relieve the symptoms of tinnitus in a natural way, either by using herbs or supplements.. Being a sufferer myself I am desperate to find a solution to this dreadful condition.

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