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Discovering The Health Benefits Of Resveratrol


By now our regular readers are well aware of the benefits of resveratrol – a powerful antioxidant, known as a polyphenol, found in the skins of red grapes.

And with summer arriving, I thought it a good idea to revisit the benefits of resveratrol, which have been linked to the prevention of two of Britain’s biggest killers – heart disease and cancer.

How do you take yours?

Several studies have indicated that both red and purple grape juice have the same health benefits as red wine.

This means that the same resveratrol that enhances the health properties of red wine is also found in grape juice. In particular, the juice made from the dark purple Concorde grapes packs a powerful punch.

This is great news for those of you who don’t like the taste of red wine or are teetotallers.

Resveratrol has been shown to have antibiotic properties and can also provide some protection against viral infections. This potent compound’s antioxidant, anti-mutagen and strong anti-inflammatory properties have been found to help reduce atherosclerosis (hardening of the artery walls) and even help alleviate the symptoms of inflammatory diseases like arthritis.

The heart benefits of resveratrol are well-documented, and these include:

  • Reducing the risk of blood clots
  • Reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad”) cholesterol
  • Increasing the production of HDL (“good”) cholesterol and lessening the risk of clogged arteries
  • Preventing damage to blood vessels in your heart
  • A daily glass of red grape juice helps maintain healthy blood pressure

But the benefits of a glass of red wine or red grape juice not only hit the heart but also the brain. The antioxidants mop up the harmful free radicals generated when cells burn oxygen for energy.

Resveratrol also helps keep blood from clotting and increases the production of nitric oxide, which improves blood flow to the brain. More blood to the brain means more oxygen to the brain.

Current research, still in the early stages, suggests that the antioxidants in red grape juice may also protect the brain cells directly. Experiments at Tufts University in the US, suggest red grape juice improves the strength, memory and coordination of the brain.

So there you have it, whether you are enjoying a glass of red wine or a chilled glass of red grape juice while sitting outside soaking up the sun, you can rest assured that you are bolstering your overall health. But as always, when it comes to consuming alcohol, moderation is key.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Health Benefits of Resveratrol, published online 13/04/08, healthtreatment.org

Grape juice: Same heart benefits as wine? by Dr. Martha Grogan, Mayo Clinic, published online 25/07/07, mayoclinic.com

Concord Grape Juice has heart-health benefits like red wine, published online 31/21/07, medicalnewstoday.com

Grape juice beats wine in new antioxidant tests, published online 28/10/04, medicalnewstoday.com

Grape Skin Protein Kills Cancer Cells, published online 26/05/04, articles.mercola.com

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