Pain & Fatigue

Pain and fatigue can often go hand-in-hand. People with chronic pain frequently experience fatigue as a result of physical strain or emotional stress from dealing with the pain. Mild muscle pain and soreness after physical activity is normal, but chronic pain accompanied by fatigue may indicate a more serious underlying medical condition.

For instance in arthritis, if pain is the most common and troublesome symptom, fatigue is a close second. In fact the two are often closely related. Dealing with pain day to day can wear you down and cause fatigue. Being fatigued, in turn, can worsen pain and make it more difficult to manage.

An example going the other way is chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), a complex disorder characterised by a collection of symptoms. Unrelieved tiredness lasting longer than six months is the most common complaint in CFS patients, but there are many other aspects to the disorder, notably widespread muscle aches, joint pain and headaches.

Fibromyalgia, or fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a long-term condition that causes widespread pain across the body, in many cases originating from a physically or emotionally stressful event like injury, labour, surgery or grief. As well as the pain, fatigue and extreme tiredness are common symptoms of FMS, ranging from mild tiredness to total exhaustion.

How do you cope with these debilitating symptoms? Do you take painkillers and rely on sugar-and caffeine-rich energy-boosting drinks? Or do you call in the help of an alternative health specialist to get to the root cause of the problem?

The Daily Health will show you that you don’t have to go to extreme measures to combat the symptoms of arthritis and joint pain. Neither do you have to struggle with constant and chronic exhaustion, because there are many proven and effective natural ways that have been shown to treat the distressing symptoms of pain and fatigue that may put your life on hold.

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