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Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Help In Stroke Prevention


Most people bounce back from a mild transient ischaemic attack (“mini-stroke”). Nonetheless, when you do experience a mild transient ischaemic attack, I assure you it will feel anything but “mild”.

Symptoms include weakness or clumsiness of a hand, arm or leg; difficulties with speech; difficulties with swallowing; numbness or pins and needles of a part of the body; and brief loss of vision or double vision. Combined, these symptoms can be horrifying.

Make it fishy

The results of a recent study point to an easy, delicious and very effective way to help prevent both a mild transient ischaemic attack and even a full-blown stroke.

In this latest study, researchers analysed the results of seven studies and tracked 14 years of follow up medical records for hundreds of thousands of participants.

Their results showed that there was a strong link between protein consumption and stroke prevention: Patients with the highest protein intake were significantly less likely to have a stroke, compared to those who ate the least amount of protein.

However, protein from red meat didn’t seem to give the same results. So, the researchers zeroed in on fish as the better protein source for stroke prevention.

While the researchers were not clear on why higher protein consumption ? from fish sources ? played a role in stroke prevention, I wonder if it really is protein that offers this protective benefit.

Previously, we told you about research that linked fish sources of omega-3 with a reduced risk of blood clots and stroke (there are plenty of studies that have made this important connection).

So, it is possible that with this latest study we may also be looking at omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish) as a stroke prevention strategy and not one that involves just consuming more protein.

If you want to benefit from the brain and heart protective properties of omega-3 fatty acids, make sure that you regularly consume oily fish like salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, and herring.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Quantitative analysis of dietary protein intake and stroke risk (neurology.org)

Diet higher in protein may be linked to lower risk of stroke (sciencedaily.com)

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  • I remember years ago, when I was diagnosed with heart disease, my doctor told me this: I have three words for you 1. Olive Oil 2. Salmon and 3. Exercise.

    I’m almost 70 and I see to it that get enough of all three… haven’t had a day of ill health since.

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