Neurozan Improves Memory and Brain Function


The brain is the most complex machine on the planet and the largest and most important part of the nervous system. It contains more than 10 billion brain cells called neurons with intricate pathways linking our senses, our movements and our memory. The brain depends upon a wide variety of different nutrients that work together to ensure optimum health and performance. In fact, the brain requires a significant proportion of our daily calorie intake just to maintain normal mental function.

Patrick Holford, author of The Alzheimers Prevention Plan, says: On a sedentary day, your brain will consume as much as 40 per cent of all the calories you eat, and think an estimated 60,000 thoughts! More than any other organ of the body, it depends on a second-by-second supply of the right nutrients.

While a healthy diet will support the health of the brain, there are some nutrients that are especially important. These have been combined into a new dietary supplement repackaged this year called Neurozan, which is recommended to help maintain brain function in people of all ages. It can be taken if you feel your memory could do with a bit of a boost, or at times of increased mental activity such as while studying for exams or professional qualifications.

Neurozan contains a broad range of nutrients which have been scientifically proven to improve memory and brain function. These include the phospholipids phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylcholine and lecithin, co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), B vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids.

Phospholipids smart fats that may help improve mental function

Phospholipids are a special category of fats which are essential components of cell membranes. They not only enhance mental performance, they protect against age-related memory decline and Alzheimers disease. The two main phospholipids are phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine both of which are ingredients in Neurozan.

Phosphatidylcholine plays a key role in supplying sufficient choline to the brain, where its used to manufacture the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Levels of acetylcholine are known to decline with age and this decline is associated with age-related memory impairment. Lecithin, which  is also included in Neurozan, is an excellent source of phosphatidylcholine.

Phosphatidylserine is particularly concentrated in the brain, where it has the important task of keeping cell membranes fluid and flexible. It also plays a critical role in helping to keep memory-related pathways functioning smoothly.

According to double-blind studies, phosphatidylserine may help preserve, or even improve, some aspects of mental functioning in older people when taken for three to six months.1, 2   In patients with early Alzheimer’s disease, studies with phosphatidylserine supplementation have shown mild benefits.3

A deficiency in DHA is linked to Alzheimer’s

The essential fatty acid DHA, found in coldwater fish such as mackerel and salmon, is included in Neurozan. The discovery that DHA is vital for brain health came about following the results of a study that showed a link between DHA deficiency and Alzheimer’s disease.

This powerful omega-3 fat is present in high concentrations in the myelin sheath, an insulating layer that forms around nerves. Its purpose is to allow fast and efficient transmission of impulses along the nerve cells.

Antioxidants slowing down the ageing process by protecting against free radicals

According to researchers at the University of Berne in Switzerland, the more antioxidants you have in your blood, the sharper your mind is. This is because antioxidants protect your body against free radicals, damaging molecules that are linked to the ageing process and, in turn, memory decline.

Antioxidants in Neurozan include vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc, selenium, manganese and CoQ10. CoQ10 not only functions as an antioxidant but is an essential co-factor in electron transport. Virtually every cell of the body contains CoQ10 where it is concentrated in the mitochondria, the area of cells where energy is produced. Mitochondrial function appears to be impaired in people with Alzheimer’s disease. In one study, Alzheimer’s sufferers given CoQ10 showed a slowing of the disease for one and a half to two years.4 As levels of CoQ10 decline with age, supplementation is advisable.

Amino acids help maintain memory and sharpen mental alertness

Neurozan contains three amino acids arginine, glutamine and glutathione. Each of these offer benefits to mental health.  Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide, a substance which helps maintain memory.

Glutamine passes freely across the blood-brain barrier and once in the brain its converted into another amino acid called glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is thought to be capable of stimulating mental alertness. Glutamine also helps increase the concentration of GABA in the brain, another amino acid required for proper mental function.

Glutathione is a sulphur-containing amino acid that is an important part of the bodys antioxidant defence system and enhances the effect of other antioxidants such as vitamin C.

Homocysteine health make sure you get enough B vitamins

B vitamins are important nutrients for the health of the nervous system and because of this they have been added to Neurozan. Four B vitamins that are particularly important are B2, B6, B12 and folic acid. This is because they work together in the body to help keep levels of homocysteine in check a substance that is linked to an increased risk of many diseases including Alzheimers.

Homocysteine is a type of amino acid naturally produced in the body. Under normal circumstances it is converted into one of two beneficial substances glutathione and S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) both of which are important brain nutrients.

If you do not get enough B vitamins, the enzymes that turn homocysteine into these substances don’t work efficiently, so your levels of homocysteine can rise, which can lead to a higher risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease (fatty deposits in peripheral arteries). So its important to ensure adequate B vitamins in your diet by eating foods like whole grains and beans and by taking a supplement.

So if you would like to help to boost your memory or increase mental function, Neurozan, with its many brain healthy ingredients, may be a good supplement for you to try.

Neurozan should be taken on an empty stomach before meal times at a dose of one capsule daily.

Disclaimer: This article is part of the Daily Health's extensive research archive. The research and information contained in this article was accurate at the the time of publication but may have been updated since the date of publication. Consult our most recent articles for the latest research on alternative health and natural breakthroughs.

Bear in mind the material provided in this content is for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


1.  Neurology 1991;41:6449
2.  Aging (Milano) 1993;5:12333
3.  Prog Clin Biol Res 1989;317:123546
4.  Lancet 1992;340:671 [letter]

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  • Why does the the direction on the Neurozan box say this supplement should be taken on a “FULL STOMACH?” Yet the information above says to be taken on an “EMPTY STOMACH?”

    • Since neurozan contains amino acids, which are best absorbed on an empty stomach, it’s best to take this supplement before meal times. However, it is entirely up to you to take it on a full stomach but this may affect the absorption of the amino acids.

  • My daughter is a MS patient for about 4 yrs. She is 12 yrs. old now she often complains headacheand seizure which occurs once a month and lasts for a min or less . She is taking tegretol 200mg twice a day . I want to ask wether neurozan is suitable for her? Also what will be the dose?

  • Hello,
    I hope to get some answers in respect to my mum’s case: She’s had and operation in which they found a brain tumor and it was removed 4yrs ago.
    Since last week she developed abnormal seizures: she gets ‘lost’ for some time and then regains consciousness after which she makes no sense and asks so many questions… I really don’t know what to do.

  • My mother is 71 old, ans she had certain problems with memory. She is using Neurozan. Now, the situation is much better. Should she make some break in using Neurozan or she can use Neurozan further?

  • On the back of the neurozan packet it states, neurozan is to be taken on a full stomach! here you say empty!

  • Kindly change this line
    “Neurozan should be taken on an empty stomach at a dose of one capsule daily.” According to vitabiotics Neurozan must be taken on full stomach. This is a typing mistake in your content.

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