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Natural Cure From The Dark Ages Kills MRSA


Every time time the mainstream wants to ridicule a natural cure – even alternative treatments that people have relied upon for centuries – it falls back on its favourite insult calling natural medicine something that’s “out of the Dark Ages.”

And yet, using this narrow-minded argument, 21st century doctors fail miserably to learn valuable – even lifesaving – lessons from treatments and natural cures that were used effectively thousands of years ago.

A long-lost remedy that kills MRSA

Recently, a group of British researchers decided to find out just how effective some of these ancient natural cures were. To do so, they used a remedy from “Bald’s Leechbook,” a 10th Century manuscript thought to be one of the earliest medical textbooks.

The recipe was chosen because it contained ingredients such as garlic, whose antibiotic properties were already being studied.

The instructions in the old book were very precise, and were followed to the ancient letter.

The concoction had to be prepared in a brass vessel… and then strained through a cloth… and then left to sit for nine whole days. And it absolutely had to include two species of Allium (garlic and onion or leek) and wine.

I know what you’re thinking – this strange brew had everything except bile from a cow’s stomach.

No, it had that, too.

But when the formula was finally complete, it did something that left Big Pharma’s fanciest, billion-pound drugs in the dust: It destroyed MRSA, one of the deadliest antibiotic-resistant superbugs on the planet.

When the solution was tested on mice, it managed to kill up to 90 percent of MRSA bacteria – and not just once, but in repeated tests, done with entirely new batches of the mixture.

Microbiologist Freya Harrison, who led the effort, said the researchers “were just utterly dumbfounded. We did not see this coming at all.”

She added that based on the initial results, the recipe’s potential use as an antibiotic was beyond her wildest dreams.

It looks like the world may have a new (if a bit unusual) superbug killer on its hands – and the mainstream is going to have to come up with a new insult.

The only question now is: “Why are we still stuck  in the Dark Ages when we have an age-old solution to the MRSA problem?”

Bear in mind all the material in this email alert is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


“Thousand-year-old Anglo-Saxon potion kills MRSA superbug” Nick Thompson and Laura Smith-Spark, March 31, 2015, CNN, cnn.com

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