
Let’s face it, allergies can make your life a misery… the constant sneezing, wheezing, tight chest, feeling out of breath, itchy watery or red eyes (conjunctivitis), hives and a scratchy cough that just won’t go away. Other common allergy symptoms also include a runny or blocked nose (allergic rhinitis), swollen lips, tongue, eyes or face and tummy pain or feeling sick, vomiting or diarrhoea and dry, red and cracked skin.

Ask anyone who suffers with allergies and they’ll tell you that these stressful symptoms can make your life a living hell… and it may feel to sufferers that there is no end in sight to their misery.

These distressing symptoms are immune responses to a substance (like pollen, food or fur dust) to which your body has become hypersensitive. While the mainstream has come up with many so-called ‘remedies’ that may appear to be effective, these only suppress allergy symptoms for a short while… and before you know it, they crop up again… and when the symptoms do creep up on you again, they may do so many time more intense and relentless than before.

Worst still, some of these mainstream treatments can have damaging side effects, like a popular asthma drug that can cause hyperactivity, irrational temper tantrums, depression, suicidal thoughts, suicidal behaviour and even suicide… and it is prescribed to children as young as 12 years old. Suffice it to say, pharmaceutical drugs like these should be taken under the strictest caution… but often they are not.

The Daily Health has made it our mission to stay up to date with the latest ground-breaking research on natural and safe alternatives that can help bring lasting relief to your allergies, ranging from hay fever, skin irritation and even asthma. Most of these alternatives come with minimal side effects and are proven to be just as effective as their pharmaceutical counterparts.

Latest Articles in Allergies


Food Allergy Or Additive Allergy?

These days, if you don't have a food allergy or intolerance then you're in the minority... nut allergies, lactose intolerance, gluten sensitivity... you name it, if you can eat it...

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asthma, asthma attacks

Vitamin D Supplements Halve Risk Of Asthma Attacks

"Vitamin D significantly reduces severe asthma attacks, when taken along with traditional asthma medication." Those were the words of the newsreader this morning. The new traditi...

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allergies, allergy drugs

Fluticasone – Allergy Drug May Permanently Impair Your Senses

If you're suffering with rhinitis this allergy season, there's one thing you must know: Steer clear of the steroid nasal spray fluticasone. In the UK, fluticasone is available as...

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allergies, zyrtec, side effcets

Zyrtec: The Allergy Drug That Causes Itching And Burning

Previously, I told you about the dangerous side effects - like irrational temper tantrums, depression, suicidal thoughts, suicidal behaviour and even suicide - of the allergy drug...

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asthma, drug side effects

Singulair – Popular Asthma Drug’s Deadly Side-Effects Revealed

In the UK, Singulair (Sing-you-lair) is an allergy medicine used to treat asthma (including asthma that coincides with seasonal allergic rhinitis or hay fever). However, here's an...

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acupuncture, alternative therapies

Could Acupuncture End Your Allergy Woes?

This may be a bit premature... but with the mild and pleasant weather we've lately enjoyed in the UK there is no better time than right now to get ready for the allergy season. As...

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skimmed milk

Could There Be A Link Between Milk And Cancer?

It looks like it's time to lose that milk moustache once and for all. Researchers in Sweden have discovered startling new information about the people who can't have milk and dair...

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Medicines Are The Biggest Culprit In Fatal Allergic Reactions

Whenever a case of deadly anaphylactic shock makes the news, it's usually associated with something like a peanut or shellfish allergy. Contrary to popular belief, fatal food alle...

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allergies, allergy drugs

Cetirizine – Whatever You Do, Don’t Take This Allergy Medication

You already know that over-the-counter drugs aren't necessarily safe just because they're easy to buy. But there is one popular over-the-counter drug you should never take... becau...

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swine flu, allergies, pollen, natural remedies

Is A Bad Hay Fever Season On The Cards?

Britain has one of the highest rates of hay fever, also known as 'seasonal allergic rhinitis' in the world. The symptoms it brings - including coughing, headaches, stuffy and run...

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