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Heart Disease

According to the cholesterol charity Heart UK, 160,000 people die from heart disease every year in the UK alone… 73,000 people die from coronary heart disease, 40,000 die from a stroke and 42,000 die prematurely from cardiovascular disease. Looking at these startling numbers one cannot help but to ask: Is the mainstream’s approach to preventing heart disease really working?

Is cholesterol really enemy number one when it comes to your heart health. Is taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs for the rest of your life really the only option when it comes to lowering your risk of developing heart disease? Or is there something seriously wrong with this picture? Have you been conned into taking statin drugs without realising how dangerous there side effects can be? Do you feel healthier now that your cholesterol is at ridiculously low levels or have you lost your spark? The Daily Health will shed light on all these questions and show you that there are other more effective and safer ways to steer clear from becoming another heart disease statistic.

Latest Articles in Heart Disease

cholesterol, LDL, HDL

Policosanol: Cholesterol, To Lower Or Not To Lower…

Policosanol, a compound of fatty alcohols derived primarily from sugar cane or beeswax, is fast gaining a reputation as a natural alternative to statin drugs for lowering cholester...

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aspirin therapy, paracetamol, vision loss, calcium, aspirin

Aspirin Risks: Why You Should Take Care When Taking Painkillers

There was a time when the average person probably never thought of taking an aspirin with another painkiller. There was simply no point. But in recent years, those who use 'aspirin...

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atherosclerosis, HDL, CRP

New ‘Ultra-Bad’ Cholesterol Means Bumper Profits For Big Pharma

Last week, I went for my annual health check-up and was very pleased to find that everything appears to be in good working order: My blood pressure is fine, weight spot-on, there's...

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heart, c-reactive protein

The Arthritis Drugs That Can Increase Heart Attack Risk

I'm going to ask you to imagine something so far fetched that you'll think I've lost my marbles. Glucosamine is an effective natural therapy used to relieve arthritis pain. Now...

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smoking, cancer, lung problems

Heart Disease: A Colourful Diet Offers Some Protection Against Second-Hand Smoke

If someone smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, there's no way around it, they're going to suffer endothelial dysfunction (more on that in a moment). Now you might say to that per...

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heart, c-reactive protein

Depression: How To Beat Depression After A Heart Attack

But for those who suffer from depression following a heart attack, there's a winning combination of nutrients that may successfully relieve depression while also improving heart he...

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10 Steps To Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Just RSVP below for immediate access to this valuable report, with our sincere compliments.

As you'll discover in your FREE report, there are safe, natural ways to protect your heart without the use of risky, side-effect-ridden drugs.

And that's not all. When you enter your email address, you'll also receive the Daily Health e-letter. Each day in the Daily Health, you'll get:

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