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Chromium Supplements Take A Hammering From Mainstream Experts


Every now and then the mainstream comes out with research findings, which supposedly reveal how supplements are nothing short of detrimental to your health. The latest victim is chromium.

Apart from its known (and proven) weight loss and blood sugar control benefits, this powerful mineral also helps reduce the risk of heart disease, wards off infections and protects against cell damage.

Chromium causes cancer?

Chromium was not acknowledged as a required essential nutrient until 1977, when patients, who exclusively received long-term intravenous nutrition without chromium, were experiencing abnormal glucose metabolism which was easily reversed with chromium supplementation.

To cut to the chase: chromium deficiency is rare in humans but when it occurs it can cause insulin resistance and metabolic abnormalities.

Now, according to the results of the latest study, published in the German journal Angewandte Chemie, this essential nutrient supposedly can cause cancer.

How did the researchers reach this conclusion?

Well, they injected laboratory manufactured fat cells with chromium(III) picolinate – naturally occurring in foods like Broccoli (22 micrograms per cup), turkey (10.4 micrograms in a 85 gram portion) and green beans (1.1 micrograms per cup).

So, to be clear, the study was not conducted on animals or humans.

And yet, the researchers said that they did not want to be “alarmist” about their findings, because chromium occurs naturally in the diet and the body can tolerate low doses.

That’s right, some of the best sources of chromium are broccoli and liver – both also rich in numerous essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Broccoli in particular has proven anti-cancer properties. So what, now all of a sudden one cup of this super food can CAUSE cancer because of its chromium content? Hogwash!

Adding to these ridiculous results is the inflammatory reporting from mainstream media sources. One Australian newspaper, The Australian, even goes so far as to compare chromium III with the chemically manufactured pollutant, hexavalent chromium – made notorious by the film (and true story) Erin Brockovich, in which exposure to this toxin caused hundreds of people to develop serious cancers.

Chromium III and hexavalent chromium has absolutely nothing in common. One is found in foods and the other is man-made toxic gunk.

If this botched study and biased results are to be taken seriously (and please don’t take them that way!), then many of our nutritious dietary staples should be avoided at all costs.

And that simply doesn’t make sense.

The US National Academy of Science recommends up to 200 micrograms of chromium as a safe and adequate upper limit for adults.

Bear in mind all the material in this email alert is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Top 5 Health Benefits of Chromium, published online 21.01.11, newsmax.com

What are the health benefits of chromium?, published online, medicalnewstoday.com

Popular chromium pills ’cause cancer’, published online 01.11.16, theaustralian.com.au

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