Don’t be misled by Big Sugar’s bogus claims


I think we always knew deep down that sugar was not good for our health. Fortunately, in recent years there’s been a massive shift in how people view sugar and nowadays many people are trying their best to avoid the white stuff at all costs. Some mainstreamers have even called it the new tobacco.

And that’s a good thing. But just when you think we’ve finally managed to convince Joe Public about the health risks associated with sugar consumption, Big Sugar steps in and launches a massive campaign to bury the truth in a desperate attempt to win back consumer confidence.

Sweet lies and deception

In the past decade, mounting evidence has linked sugar with Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and even digestive health problems. But according to the industry all this research is “fake” and “unreliable”.

Big Sugar is so deadest on trying to convince consumers that the dietary sugar guidelines aren’t based on high-quality evidence, they’ve even managed to get the Annals of Internal Medicine to publish their ridiculous claims in the form of a “study”.

According to Big Sugar, the study was conducted by neutral parties of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI).

Sounds legitimate, right?

Well, only until you realise that ILSI North America is nothing more than a trade group that represents Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, Hershey, Mars, Nestlé and PepsiCo, among others.

Dig a little bit deeper and you’ll learn that ILSI has a long history of opposing substantial limits to sugar guidelines. And in this latest bogus study, the researchers claim that because different studies discussed different types and amounts of sugar, they can’t be used to make firm recommendations on how much is too much.

Clearly, this so-called study is nothing but a big smoke screen. When it comes down to using real scientific evidence to defend the negative health impacts, there is nothing substantial and watertight that the sugar industry can dish up to refute it.

Apart from trying to deceive the public with misleading research like this, the real concern here is that the industry managed to use its power and influence to publish a bogus study in such a prestigious medical journal.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


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