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Combined with physical activity, optimum nutrition can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases (like heart disease, diabetes and cancer).

Despite the fact that nutrition is one of the essential building blocks of a healthy body well into your old age, medical students receive less than 24 hours of nutrition training on average. It’s no wonder that dietary and nutritional guidelines continue to miss the mark when it comes to advising the public on what healthy foods to enjoy and which health-damaging foods to avoid.

Is saturated fat your enemy? Do you eat low-fat or full fat? What about artificial sweeteners, are they an ideal weight loss aid? The Daily Health aims to add some common sense to all the confusion.

Latest Articles in Nutrition

Cardiovascular Disease & Diet: Peanuts – Uncovering The Good And The Bad

Cardiovascular Disease & Diet: Peanuts – Uncovering The Good And The Bad

Consider the lowly peanut. It gets no respect. But researchers from Perdue University think it's time to change all that. Perdue News - an online news outlet for the University -...

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Aspartame: The Not-So-Sweet Facts About Aspartame

Aspartame: The Not-So-Sweet Facts About Aspartame

Imagine 16,000 tons of powder. About 16,000 tons of aspartame is produced for worldwide consumption each year. In other words, people are consuming enormous quantities of...

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Avocadoes: A true super food

Avocadoes: A true super food

  Over several centuries it's been called by many names: ahuacate, avocaat, agovago, albecatta and alligator pear. In 1519, Spanish explorer and cartographer Martin Fernandez De...

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Salmon Health Scare: More News On The Salmon Scare Reports

Salmon Health Scare: More News On The Salmon Scare Reports

In a recent e-Alert I tackled a nutrition issue that also happens to be a sticky environmental concern. A recent study found farmed salmon to have high levels of pollutants. But I...

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Nutrition: Crazy Food Labelling Measures Focusing On The Wrong Food Groups

Nutrition: Crazy Food Labelling Measures Focusing On The Wrong Food Groups

I was struck by a report I read recently about measures being proposed in the US at the moment... which no doubt, as always seems to happen, the UK will adopt soon after, if they g...

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Conventional Dietary Advice Can Do More Harm Than Good

Conventional Dietary Advice Can Do More Harm Than Good

For anyone trying to follow a healthy diet, you ??d be forgiven for sometimes feeling a bit overwhelmed (not to mention downright confused!) by all the conflicting advice tha...

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