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Brain & Nervous System

The nervous system is an amazing and complex network of cells that relay messages from all parts of our body to our brain. Needless to say, when things go awry with your brain and nervous system you can face difficult to treat conditions like epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, cognitive problems and behavioural problems.

There are many environmental factors as well as mainstream drugs that can affect the functioning of your brain and nervous system. For instance, the anti-anxiety drug Xanax has recently been linked to irreversible dementia and the Internet and all the technological advances of the past decade have been shown to affect our deep-brain thinking (losing the ability to transfer knowledge from short-term “working” memory to long-term memory). The Daily Health explores all these dangerous and offers alternative measures that will help you protect this very important and delicate system.

Latest Articles in Brain & Nervous System

curcumin, cumin

Curcumin Shows Potential in the Treatment of Stroke

Curcumin - the pigment that gives the curry spice turmeric its yellow-orange colour - is a natural compound that should be on your health radar for a number of reasons. For one, a...

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stroke, folate

Stroke: Folate Deficiency May Increase Stroke Risk

Women don't get enough folate. And the results can be disastrous twice over. According to a recent survey by US health charity March of Dimes, most women of child-bearing age are n...

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Vitamin B Complex For Strokes and Heart Health

You don't always get a chance to 're-do' something. But when researchers took a second look at a large study that examined vitamin B use among stroke victims, they found something...

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stroke, migraines

Stroke: Reduce Your Risk of Stroke With These Essential Supplements

This year alone, 125,000 people in the UK will suffer a stroke and 60,000 of them will die as a result. In fact, stroke is the third most common cause of death in the UK. And those...

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omega-3, stroke, heart

Super Omega-3 Helps Combat ADHD and Depression

Recently exciting new research has come to light involving a "super" form of omega-3, which can help Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and depression sufferers. What...

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Antidepressants: Know What You’re Getting Yourself Into

I was shocked when a friend emailed me the other day with the following sad news: "My mother was taken to hospital a few days ago and they found a large blood clot in her lung. Her...

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