Here at the Daily Health we are committed to bringing you the latest news on ways to achieve healthy living. We explore the potential of natural alternatives — like vitamins, minerals, plant extracts and powerful antioxidants — which will help you achieve your healthy living goals.
You will learn more here about a wide variety of topics including how to combat the distressing symptoms of allergies with the help of natural remedies that won’t compromise your health, warding off colds and flu by using plant extracts like black elderberry, banishing your bedroom woes with Korean ginseng, how to help prevent cataracts with 7 proven remedies, avoid the damaging effects of environmental pollutants like electromagnetic field pollution by safeguarding your home… and much, much more.
With the help of our extensive research archive of articles (including over a decade of ground-breaking scientific research) healthy living is within your reach. Better still, you can achieve this with the help of proven safe alternatives and without the need to take pharmaceutical drugs.
While many believe that mainstream medical solutions often offer much faster relief and therefore are a sure-fire way to achieve healthy living, these drugs can potentially cause harmful side effects — especially when used long-term — like commonly used allergy medications that can permanently impair your senses… Driving the point home that just because these drugs and over-the-counter medications are easy to obtain or buy, does not necessarily make them safe.
When you focus on natural healthy living, and incorporate natural, safe and alternative measures into your daily life, your health will not only improve in a matter of no time but you will also be able to maintain optimum health for longer. Before you know it, you may not even have to rely on dangerous and side effect-ridden drugs anymore, and you can rest assured that the health will be in top shape well into your old age.
Just How Far Will Big Pharma Go To Keep Pushing Their Drugs?
Last week, we told you how reports of serious drug side effects are increasing every year. We also highlighted the fact that it is not just adults who are affected by Big Pharma's...
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Champix: Smoking Cessation Drug Linked To Hair Loss
If you are a smoker trying to quit (a good thing) and you are using Champix (Chantix) to help you kick the habit (not such a great idea), I hope you've read the information leaflet...
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Prescription Drugs Linked To 15,000 Birth Defects Every Year
Reports of serious adverse drug events are increasing every year. Between 2009 and 2013 reports on how pharmaceutical drugs wreak havoc on people's lives, increased by 90 per cent...
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Those who suffer with tinnitus will tell you that life can be a living nightmare as a result of the persistent ringing, buzzing, hissing, whooshing or whistling in your ears. Tinn...
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Health: How Long Do You Have To Live?
If you're in your early 50s and you've begun to entertain the (morbid) curiosity of wanting to know exactly when the Grimm Reaper will knock on your door, there might just be a way...
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Recently, I told our readers of The Cholesterol Truth that taking care of your dental health is one of the key factors when it comes to preventing heart disease. But it's not just...
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