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Oral Health

It’s not just oral diseases that can be prevented by keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Oral health has a profound effect on your overall health and neglecting your it can increase your chances of developing many other diseases.

In fact, gum disease may increase your risk of all kinds of other health complications, including stroke, diabetes and heart disease. Gum disease has even been linked with problems in pregnancy and dementia. Good oral health is not only about regular brushing and flossing, but it’s also about knowing what mainstream dental practices to avoid. The Daily Health offers handy tips and essential information about how you can keep your oral health in top shape.

Latest Articles in Oral Health

gum disease

The Link Between Gum Disease And Rheumatoid Arthritis

Our regular readers will know that it is very seldom that one only suffers a single ailment in isolation. Chances are that ailments, disorders and disease have a knock-on effect on...

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fluoridation, adhd

Dentists Are Speaking Out Against Fluoridation

Few topics cause as much division as water fluoridation... It's like marmite, you're either for it or against it. Whichever it is, you can't ignore fluoride because it has liter...

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Fluoride In Drinking Water Should Be Banned

I was bemused when I recently read this news headline: "Health bosses in Derbyshire are looking at extending the fluoridation of drinking water." Why do we still even have to deba...

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teeth, mercury, ProDen

Gotu Kola and Pomegranate Could Help Relieve Gum Disease

A recent visit to my dentist prompted me to write todays e-alert. I went along for my usual check up feeling quite confident that my teeth were in good shape and my visit would...

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Icelandic Volcanic Ash Poses Fluoride Contamination Risk

Yesterday I told you about Thailand's endeavour to reduce the amount of fluoride in bottled drinking water, in an effort to reduce the risk of discoloured teeth and dental fluorosi...

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The Dangers of Fluoride: Your Protection Plan…

Regular readers of our Daily Health alerts will know that we've written about the dangers of fluoride in drinking water and other daily household products in the past. Fortunately...

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