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News & Views

In our News & Views the Daily Health offers a different perspective on what is being reported in the mainstream. What’s the real story behind the effectiveness and safety of antidepressants? Will the UK’s Sugar Tax have any real impact on the obesity crisis in Britain? What are the dangers of off-label drug use?

These are just some of the news topics we cover and the Daily Health that our editorial opinion will open your eyes to a new way of looking at how the news is being presented to you.

Latest Articles in News & Views

chocolate, weight loss

Weight Loss From Eating A Chocolate Bar A Day? Bogus Claims Exposed

Eating a chocolate bar every day could make you lose weight 10 per cent faster... That's according to a new ground breaking discovery made by Dr. Johannes Bohannon from the Instit...

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gene therapy, genetics

Don’t Be Fooled By The Gene Therapy Hype

Gene therapy is the next big thing for Big Pharma. We're being told that drugs that have the ability to alter or repair our genes will keep us young and conquer everything from hai...

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low fat foods

Exposing The Big “Low Fat” Con

Yesterday, I told our readers at The Cholesterol Truth how the mainstream's misguided dietary guidelines of avoiding saturated fat at all costs, played straight into the hands of B...

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Is Technology A Danger To Pedestrians?

Technology-obsessed pedestrians are everywhere these days. You see them glancing at their phones, checking emails, sending text messages, taking selfies, playing games and updating...

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surgery, patient, hospital

Will Your Doctor Give You C.Difficile?

While hospitals are struggling to keep antibiotic resistant bacterial infections under control, a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, has just discovered so...

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champix, smoking

Champix – The Never-Ending Saga Of This Smoking Cessation Drug

When Pfizer's smoking cessation drug Champix was hit with a black box warning, the pharmaceutical giant did everything in its power to get that dreaded box removed... and with good...

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10 Steps To Healthy Cholesterol Levels

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