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Men’s Health

At the Daily Health you’ve got the partner you need to face the men’s health concerns that all men face at some stage of their lives, including prostate problems, prostate cancer, low-testosterone levels, impotence and sexual dysfunction.

The Daily Health will arm you with all the information you need to understand – and even delay or combat – some of the most distressing men’s health concerns, naturally without the need to take harmful drugs. Find answers to how to protect your prostate, combat declining testosterone levels and improving your performance in the bedroom.

If you’ve not thought about it yet, now is the time to focus on these men’s health concerns so that you can stay fit and healthy (on all levels) well into your old age.

Latest Articles in Men’s Health

prostate cancer

Controlling PSA Levels Without The Need For Endless Biopsies

It's a sad fact that many doctors often continue to use procedures, which might be out of date or even proven to be harmful to patients. This doesn't mean that they are 'bad' doct...

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prostate cancer stethoscope

Vitamin D In The Fight Against Prostate Cancer

When it comes to treating prostate cancer, the mainstream sticks to one simple rule: When in doubt, cut it out. It doesn't matter if your tumours are small, slow-growing or wheth...

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prostate cancer

Prostate Cancer: Why Waiting Is Often Better

A prostate cancer diagnosis is one thing every man fears and if you've recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer, your head is probably still swimming. Even more so if one of t...

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Men Are Now Targeted To Take Osteoporosis Drugs

A headline in The Wall Street Journal read: "Men are new target for osteoporosis treatment." And that really hit the nail on the head, because turning men into a "target" is exact...

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age=related macular degeneration, eyesight

Low T – Don’t Be Duped Into Taking Testosterone Replacement Drugs

Ever heard of Low T? If you are female chances are you haven't. However, if you are male and over the age of 40, your doctor may have told you that you're suffering from Low T - lo...

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cancer, doctors, drug

Too Many Men Are Being Treated For Prostate Cancer

When Dr. Herbert Lepor, chair of the department of urology at New York University Langone Medical Centre, said that "the majority of prostate cancers... are not significant," and "...

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10 Steps To Healthy Cholesterol Levels

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