Remove Up To 85% of Fluoride From Your Drinking Water
Here at The Daily Health we’ve warned our readers countless times about the dangers of fluoride over the years – it’s a contentious topic, but no matter which way you look at it, in the end fluoride in our drinking water will end up being known as one of the greatest scams in history. Fluoridating our drinking water is the most widespread, government-supported, industry-hyped con of all. Its deception is destroying our health.
Apart from causing dental fluorosis and having been linked to other health worries, including bone cancer, arthritis, and reduced thyroid function, fluoride has also been shown to significantly lower IQ scores in children. That’s not all. It has also been found to damage as well as affect fertility in men by damaging sperm chemotaxis – the process by which sperm are attracted toward an egg, which obviously plays a critical role in allowing fertilization to occur.
How to solve the fluoride problem?
While it’s great to highlight the dangers of fluoride in our drinking water, one of the biggest problems we face is avoiding this toxic gunk because it literally is everywhere.
You can’t boil it out – that will only concentrate the fluoride in it. And those popular water filters, like Brita or Pur, won’t do a thing to take out fluoride.
Bottled water may not be an answer, either. Up to 40 per cent of all bottled water is just tap water that could be from another fluoridated source.
A better way to make your water safe to drink, if you live in a fluoridated area, is to have a reverse osmosis system set up in your home.
Fluoride can also be removed with an activated alumina defluoridation filter and by distilling your water. However, distilled water often tastes “flat” or not very good as distillation also removes natural minerals from water such as calcium, magnesium and iron.
So far, the best I’ve seen to make sure your water is (mostly) fluoride free is to use the Doulton Filter Systems.
This worldwide company offers a countertop water filter that connects to an existing faucet and will remove over 85 per cent of the fluoride in your water. It also removes heavy metals, nitrates, and chlorine.
As an added bonus, the filters will also get rid of some of the drug residues that are turning up in municipal water supplies, including paracetamol (acetaminophen), progesterone, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium.
(Please note that The Daily Health and Agora Health is in no way affiliated to the manufacturers of Doulton water filters.)
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