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According to Cancer Research UK, 1 in 2 people born after 1960 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. 4 in 10 cases each year in the UK are linked to major lifestyle and other factors, like tobacco which is the single most preventable cause of death in the world.

There is no cure for cancer yet and the race to find a lifesaving treatment has been on for years, and has given life to a global industry. What are your options when it comes to choosing an effective treatment for cancer? Are you genetically predisposed to the disease? Can you prevent this disease from happening to you or a loved one? What is the real impact of the gold-standard treatments – chemotherapy and radiation – on your health. Do you even have other options to choose from?

Here at the Daily Health we explore all these questions and more because like everyone else, when it comes to cancer, we are also looking for answers.

Latest Articles in Cancer

prostate cancer

Prostate Cancer: Why Waiting Is Often Better

A prostate cancer diagnosis is one thing every man fears and if you've recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer, your head is probably still swimming. Even more so if one of t...

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avocados, cancer, healthy food

Avocados Could Help Combat A Rare And Deadly Cancer

We know that avocados are high in healthy monounsaturated fat, which is important for protecting heart health and optimizing HDL "good" cholesterol levels. Apart from also being a...

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sunscreen, skin cancer, summer

Getting Too Little Sun Exposure May Cause Skin Cancer

With the promise of temperatures rising in the UK this coming week to as high as 33 degrees Celsius, chances are that many of you will be spending some time outdoors to catch some...

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cervical cancer

Cervarix & Gardasil: Thousands Of Teenage Girls Are Affected By HPV Vaccines

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines (also incorrectly referred as cervical cancer vaccines) are in the news again. Ever since these vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, hit the market...

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breast cancer, thermography, mammograms

Mammograms Are Not The Future Of Breast Cancer Detection

Earlier this week I told you about a recent study, which showed that out of 700,000 women a whopping 77,000 were told their mammogram results were suspicious. However, in nearly 99...

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Mammograms For Breast Cancer Screening – There Must Be A Different Way

Here at The Daily Health we've said it many times: Mammograms are a bad choice for breast cancer screening. There are three very simple reasons why: 1) Compression of breasts may...

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