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According to Cancer Research UK, 1 in 2 people born after 1960 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. 4 in 10 cases each year in the UK are linked to major lifestyle and other factors, like tobacco which is the single most preventable cause of death in the world.

There is no cure for cancer yet and the race to find a lifesaving treatment has been on for years, and has given life to a global industry. What are your options when it comes to choosing an effective treatment for cancer? Are you genetically predisposed to the disease? Can you prevent this disease from happening to you or a loved one? What is the real impact of the gold-standard treatments – chemotherapy and radiation – on your health. Do you even have other options to choose from?

Here at the Daily Health we explore all these questions and more because like everyone else, when it comes to cancer, we are also looking for answers.

Latest Articles in Cancer

vitamin D

Low Levels Of Vitamin D Linked To Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Vitamin D is rarely out of the spotlight these days? and for good reason. It's been found to have numerous health benefits from boosting immunity to lowering the risk of type 2 dia...

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sugar tax, sucralose, sugar, artificial sweeteners, aspartame

The Breast Cancer Link That Will Leave A Bitter Taste In Your Mouth

Last week, the UK government's plans to roll out a sugar tax by 2018 stirred some mixed reactions. But whichever way you look at it, the long-term health consequences of consuming...

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cancer, breast cancer, BRCA, gene mutation , double mastectomy

Breast Cancer Prevention: Think Twice Before You Go Under The Knife

Not too long ago, Angelina Jolie set off a media furore when she had both of her breasts removed as a breast cancer preventive measure. Jolie made the decision after her mother die...

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Powerful Herb Shows Promise In The Fight Against Cancer

Sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua L.) has been used for over two millennia in traditional Chinese medicine for a variety of complaints, ranging from skin disorders to high blood pres...

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Reduce Your Risk Of Cervical Cancer Without A Vaccine

Compulsory vaccination against cervical cancer, with the vaccines Gardasil or Cervarix, is a contentious issue that understandably upsets a lot of parents, following reports on how...

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Bitter Melon

Bitter Melon Extract Shows Potential In The Fight Against Cancer

Researchers from the University of Colorado and Saint Louis University, have found that bitter melon extracts are able to block the growth and induce the death of breast cancer cel...

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