Alzheimer’s Disease Or Paracetamol Side Effects?
Is there a link between Alzheimer’s symptoms and the use of paracetamol?
Paracetamol (acetaminophen), the widely used over-the-counter painkiller, is the wine gums of the drugs industry. People pop them on a daily basis without giving it a second thought.
Here at the Daily Health we’ve been warning you about the dangers of paracetamol for years. Frankly, this drug is anything but harmless.
Yet, it’s somewhat shocking to learn that paracetamol might be the cause of one of today’s most dreaded diseases.
Peeling back the meds
About 15 years ago, researchers investigating arthritis pain relievers noticed something odd. Paracetamol use appeared to be linked to Alzheimer’s risk.
That’s staggering. Especially when you consider that in a recent survey, one in five people said they were “heavy users” of the drug. Many said they took it EVERY day.
If the Alzheimer’s and dementia danger were ONLY in paracetamol, that would be a crisis. But according to a new Wall St. Journal report, it’s just one link in a long chain.
Make that a VERY long chain. More than 100 drugs can mimic dementia symptoms.
With some of these drugs, there’s no surprise. They have a direct effect on the brain.
Several sleep aids, tranquilizers, painkillers, and anti-psychotic drugs made the list. But also included are drugs for incontinence, acid-reflux, and blood pressure.
One doctor said that cognitive symptoms “vanish” in many cases when medication is stopped. He added ?¦ “I have had people referred to me with a clear history of dementia and when I started to peel back the medications, they were much better.”
Another specialist put it more bluntly ?¦ “Every Alzheimer’s expert living today has been fooled.”
You can say the same about many doctors. They dole out pills like sweets for their elderly patients. The result ?¦ A recent study found that 30 per cent of Alzheimer’s patients might be misdiagnosed.
If you’re the caretaker of someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s, talk to their doctor about this immediately. Reducing their medications might work a miracle.
Of course, Alzheimer’s patients who discontinue drugs may not find dementia relief.
Don’t despair. Many health issues also mimic Alzheimer’s, so there’s still hope.
Vitamin deficiency is common. Alzheimer’s patients are typically deficient in these nutrients ?¦
* Calcium
* Iron
* Zinc
* Vitamin A
* Vitamin K
* Omega-3 fatty acids
Very low sodium levels presents another problem. How many elderly people do you know who avoid salt?
ALL of them? Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration.
Three sodium deficiency symptoms are similar to dementia symptoms: confusion, fatigue, and poor balance.
Never accept an Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis at face value. First try to eliminate all the other things that might contribute to your symptoms.
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“Detective Work: The False Alzheimer’s Diagnosis” Melinda Beck, Wall St. Journal, 8/27/12,
“Is Alzheimer’s Disease Caused by Paracetamol?” Walter Last, Nexus, February-March 2011,
“Alzheimer’s Disease – A Functional Approach” David Perlmutter, M.D., Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, July 2002,