Ibuprofen Could Help Prevent Skin Cancer?

Previously, I told you how about a ridiculous study where fruit flies and worms were given daily doses of ibuprofen and the researchers reported that as a result of this “drug intervention” the insects lived healthier, happier and longer lives than their untreated relatives!

Well, I think any sober-thinking person can recognise that a study like this is nothing more and nothing less than absolute hogwash.

Miracle cancer drug…

But preposterous health claims linked to ibuprofen don’t stop at increasing the longevity and quality of life of fruit flies. Nope!

If you’re taking the results of another ibuprofen study serious, well, then it looks like ibuprofen is competing for the “miracle drug” crown.

Based on a half-baked study, researchers recently also claimed that ibuprofen can reduce your risk of skin cancer. But this claim just doesn’t hold water.

After looking at nine studies, researchers found that ibuprofen use might reduce squamous cancer risk by about 15 per cent. However, there is one caveat: squamous cancer is extremely rare. It’s also highly treatable, poses little danger to your health and the chance of it metastasising (spreading to other sites in the body by metastasis) is about the same as getting hit by lightning…

So, as you can see there is absolutely no need to even think of preventing this type of skin cancer by popping ibuprofen.

Apart from this botched study, another reason to avoid ibuprofen is because of the bleeding risk these drugs present. I’m talking a whole lot of risk with very little reward. That’s because nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen may cause ulcers, bleeding, or holes in the stomach or intestine. Yes holes!

These problems may happen without warning symptoms, and may even cause death. The risk may be higher for people who take NSAIDs for a long time, are older in age, have poor health, or who drink three or more alcoholic drinks per day while taking ibuprofen.

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Common Pain Meds May Help Prevent Some Skin Cancer, webmd.com