Alzheimer’s Solution Begins In Your Stomach

Alzheimer’s disease plagues more than 850,000 people, in the UK alone. And, according to the results of the latest study, 1-in-3 new-borns will suffer with dementia later in life…

Researchers believe this increased risk is all down to the fact that Britain has an ageing population and that Big Pharma is yet to come up with a drug to treat dementia.

Forget me not

The researchers at Alzheimer’s Research UK call it a ‘looming national health crisis’ and warn that girls born today are at a 10 per cent higher risk of developing dementia later in life, compared to boys of a similar age whose risk is 27 per cent.

Dr. Matthew Norton, head of policy at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “Dementia is our greatest medical challenge and, if we are to beat it, we must invest in research to find new treatments and preventions.”

You and I both know that these “treatments and preventions” will certainly not involve alternative healthy breakthroughs, developing policies to clampdown on junk food manufacturers, curtailing the use of pesticides and the over-prescription of antibiotics.

That’s the sad thing about the mainstream. Researchers are sweating away in laboratories trying to develop new drugs that will supposedly treat and prevent Alzheimer’s (note: they’ve not come up with anything yet), while the clues for the increase in the number of dementia sufferers are right under their noses… and they are being ignored!

Things like:

Looking at the evidence, the root of the problem clearly lies in our stomachs.

In fact, researchers have found that the bacterial environment in the gut has a direct impact on brain activity and that the composition of your gut bacteria at birth and in early childhood shapes your brain development – meaning a mother’s diet during pregnancy has a direct impact on a child’s gut and brain health.

This suggests that gut bacteria play a role in childhood brain developmental disorders. Adding to that, a study at the University of California showed that the daily consumption of probiotics improved brain function while in a resting state as well as during an emotion-recognition task.

It makes sense that our children are at an increased risk of losing their precious memories and mental function. And Modern Life – a problem we helped create – is the driving force behind it.

But it can be fixed… without drugs (and more money being pumped into research that is leading us nowhere). Here are some simple lifestyle changes you can make, starting today, to help protect your brain:

Bear in mind all the material in this email alert is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Secret behind why Alzheimer ??s patients cannot make new memories discoveredSarah Knapton, June 13, 2014, The Telegraph,

More data on diet and dementiaBret S. Stetka, MD, Richard S. Isaacson, MD, Hilary P. Glazer, MD, June 4, 2014, Medscape,

Probiotics Are One of the Best Memory Supplements, published online 09.09.15,

“Mayo Clinic Highlights Possible Diabetes Alzheimer’s Connection,, 5 May 2007,

Probiotic Bacteria Beneficial For Brain Function, published online, 29.05.13,

Pesticide-Induced Diseases: Alzheimer’s Disease, published online,

Air pollution could increase risk of dementia, published online 23.04.15,